Sim Training

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I slowly peeled open my eyes as the morning sun poured in through the window, blinding me slightly.  Shutting my eyes tightly, so as not to stare directly into the fireball in the sky, I buried my face into Y/N's chest, snuggling deeper into him, smiling brightly.  I'm really glad I confessed my feelings to him yesterday at the waterpark, as well as the fact that he felt the same way, which is why we opted to sleep together last night.  Nonsexualy, of course.

I felt Y/N shift in bed, and opened my eyes to see him lying on his back, bringing his free arm up to rub his eyes.  His other arm was currently being held hostage by me, refusing to let him go.  A smile crept onto my face when he turned his head and looked at me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Morning Sunshine"  he spoke, his voice a bit raspy.  I found the raspiness kinda cute, and brought him in for a morning kiss.

"Morning Ninja"  I smirked at him, still clinging onto his arm.  He raised an eyebrow at the nickname.


" wield swords on the field.  Unless you want, i don't know, Samurai, then-"

"I'll take Samurai"  he spoke, kissing me again.  "They were arguably better"

"Alright, my Samurai"  I smiled, seeing him smile.  I wanted to ask what was clawing at my mind.  I wanted to ask him what was on his mind yesterday that made him closed off, as Dom put it.  I wanted so badly to ask, but I know he said he'll tell me in time.  Maybe if I hinted at it it would be alright?  "So, Y/N?"

"Hm?"  he asked, only then noticing how I was clung onto his arm.

"...About yesterday...and what you said..."  I heard him sigh, which made me think I did a wrong.  Instinctively, I wrapped myself closer to him, resting my head on his chest.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright Monika"  he spoke softly, playing with my hair some as I rested.  "I'm not ready to explain quite yet.  I promise you, the second I am, I'll tell you everything"

"Okay"  I nodded, snuggling into him.  It felt nice.  Feeling his warmth, snuggling close to him, under the covers on a crisp Friday morning...wait.  Friday!?  "Babe get up!"

"Wha-why?"  he muttered as I shot out of bed, stretching and quickly changing into my GSG-9 uniform.

"Because we have training!"  I reminded him.  It took him no time at all to hop right out of bed and get changed into his Spartan uniform, complete with the armor.  I admired it for a few seconds.  It sported various artwork around it, showing off his creative side, a side that, hopefully, I'll get to see more of sometime.  "Ready?"

"Ready".  We end up skipping breakfast and head right to the simulation room, where we met up with our team for the simulation.

"You're late"  Eliza noted, pulling the charging handle of her R4-C.  I rubbed the back of my neck, making a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, well, I kinda slept in..."  I trailed off, not wanting to make me and Y/N's relationship public yet.  At least, I think we're dating.  It was never really declared, but after last night and yesterday, I think it's safe to say that we are dating.  Eliza narrowed her eyes and looked at Y/N.

"And YOUR excuse?"  she spoke in a flat tone, folding her arms.

"I...kinda...fell asleep in the shower"  Y/N spoke, with some seriously good acting of embarrassment.  So much so that I then became worried that he wasn't acting.  Hopefully he was.

"I TOLD you that's a thing!"  Shuhrat spoke loudly, looking over at Eliza from tinkering with his AK-12. 

"And yet I still don't believe it"  she shrugged.  "Monika, Y/N, because you were late, I want a single lap around base from each of you.  You may run together, but both of you must complete a full lap.  Understood?"

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