Paradise Awaits

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"One good thing about First Class:  leg room"  I giggled, leaning back and flailing my legs about.  We had just boarded the plane, and Y/N and I got First Class tickets, courtesy of Harry.  Y/N chuckled at me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, holding me closer to him.  I smiled and let myself sink into him, humming softly.  While I was still iffy on time off right after a failed mission, part of me was glad for it.  I knew that it was needed, last time I took a vacation, it had cleared my head of stress, anxiety, and nervousness.  Now that I remember, when I came back to base from that trip was when I had met Y/N for the first time.  I wonder how amazing this trip will be with him on it with me.

"Warming up to the time off?"  he asked me as the pilot came on the intercom, explaining his usual stuff about the route.  I nodded a bit.

"Still a bit iffy, but yes.  I do need it.  Thank you for talking me into it"

"Even if I couldn't, Harry had already gotten the tickets silly"

"I know"

I smiled and leaned into him as I felt the plane lurch back, meaning we had disconnected from the gate, and were getting ready for takeoff.  I paid attention to the safety demonstrations, even though I have seen them hundreds of times before, and could practically recite them word for word.  Hell I could probably fly this metal tube if needed.  I hope it wouldn't come to that in an emergency situation.  As we lined up with the runway, I held Y/N a bit tight.  Takeoffs always made my stomach uneasy, so I was just preparing myself.  We shot forward, and after a bit, reared up, lifting off of the ground, the tarmac and the Hereford landscape becoming shadows in the distance.

"Get some sleep hun" Y/N advised me.  "We have quite a ride to the Philippines"

"Yeah"  I yawned.  "Planning on it"  I smiled and nuzzled into him as the cabin lights went out, letting people who wanna get some shut eye do so.  Me being one of those people, I let my eyes shut, and sleep quickly overtook me.

I was jerked awake sometime later, the shake followed by a screech.  Being woken up, I was confused as to what it was, and grew slightly panicked.  Fearing the worst, I looked out the window and saw that we were on the ground.  My breathing steadied as I took in the beauty before me.  The vast tropical setting of the Philippines took my breath away, and I was now fully eager to get this getaway started.  I watch as we get taxied to the gate, and once we got docked, I gently shook Y/N awake, snapping him out of sleep

"W-wha?"  He mumbled a bit, slowly waking up.  I giggled a bit at how cute he looked coming out of sleep, waking up.

"We're here.  Also, I need a bathroom"  Y/N looked at me and chuckled a bit.

"Can you hold it till we're in the terminal?"

"I think so"

"Okay.  Let me know if not"  I nodded as we grabbed out things and deboarded the plane.  Walking through the boarding ramp was nothing new to me, nor was the feeling of being in a new airport.  What was new was a new airport when not on work business.  That struck me as new, and it was odd.  I let myself relax a bit, so I could really enjoy it to its fullest, and a smile formed on my face.  Y/N and I walked for a bit to the main center of the terminal, where the bathrooms were, and I ducked in to use the loo.  A bit later, I was washing my hands when I heard a shout from outside.  I rush out, hands still wet, to see some guy bolting down the hall, a pretty plump security guard after him.  I see Y/N standing, eyes wide, with the other people in the terminal, just looking at the incident.


"I dunno"  Y/N shrugged.  "Some slim guy apparently nagged a candy bar"

"And Paul Blart is the best they got?"  I smirk, shaking my head, grabbing my carry on.

"Hey, man went against the SWAT" 

"All fiction Y/N"  I chuckle, nodding for him to follow.  We followed the many signs hanging from the ceiling of the place, finally coming across the baggage claim carousel, where Y/N and I found our bags relatively quickly.  We stopped at a coffee shop, even though it was almost evening here, due to time zones, but we wanted the energy.

"We have a driver, should be in the pick-up lane out front"  Y/N informed, leading me down an escalator.  I nodded as I followed, looking up through the skylight above at the teal sky, blazing with sunlight.  I'll admit, I'm a sucker for tropical locations, especially if it's on vacation.  While I am still iffy on the whole "right after a failed mission" ordeal, I'm letting myself relax.  Hopefully by tonight I'll be all for it.  We hopped off the escalator, and wound up in a small airport gift shop of all places, go figure.  I ended up putting a sunhat on, just because, and also it looked cute.  "I like that"  Y/N spoke, looking at pairs of Ray-Bands.

"You think?"  I asked, looking at myself in the mirror, taking the hat off.  Y/N chuckled, setting a pair of blue sunglasses down.

"We're here for five days, we're bound to pick a few things up"  I giggled a bit, nodding to him as we exited the airport.  We found our ride pretty quickly, as he bore the classic sign with our names on them.  It made me a bit embarrassed, until I realized that no one here knows who we are.  I hop in after helping load our luggage into the car, and we took off into the Phillipian paradise.

A/N: I'm baaaccckkkk!!!  Long wait due to school, but stories are chugging along!

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