Calm Talk

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-A few days later-

"Check"  Thatcher moved, a smidget of a smile forming on the corner of his mouth.  Y/N said nothing, staring at the board, planning his next move, while also trying to stay ahead of the game.

"You two nerds know that there's a movie on?  And a pool table over there?"  Twitch looked over, looking up from her book.

"Says the one reading"  Thatcher smirked.  "Let us nerd"

"Fine by me"  Twitch shrugged, getting back to her read.  Y/N thought a bit outside of the game, which kept him distracted enough to let Thatcher take his queen, placing him against a checkmate.

"Oh come on"  he spoke, hearing Thatcher chuckle, extending his hand, to which Y/N shook.

"Focus is key"  Thatcher spoke before they both cleaned the board, and Thatcher headed off to his afternoon shooting range time.  Y/N flopped onto the couch next to Twitch, who was still reading her book.

"One of these days, you need to win against that old timer,"  she smirked, turning the page.  Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"You try a game, see how you do"

"I can beat you with my eyes shut"

"That a challenge?"

"Maybe"  Twitch shrugged, placing a bookmark in her book and setting it aside.  "Right now, I heard you and Monika are engaged?"

"Yup"  Y/N nodded, sitting up on the couch as Twitch cheered.  He chuckled as she started fangirling all over the place.

"Where is the wedding?  WHEN is the wedding?  You doing a honeymoon?"

"Erm...don't know...don't know...and most definitely"

"Well, they do take a lotta planning...and money"  she nodded.  Y/N raised his eyebrows and smirked.

"Ya dont say"  he spoke as the two shared a laugh.

"For real, lemme help.  I got a few tips n tricks"  she smiled.  Y/N laughed and nodded.

"The French are pretty romantic aren't they?"  Twitch shrugged.

"Minus Gustave, yes"

"He's not with Taina yet?"  he asked, raising an eyebrow.  Twitch smirked, leaning back into the couch.

"He's oblivious as fuck.  I can't tell if Taina is frustrated or just pissed, but she's nearing the point of literally slapping it into him"

"Who's slapping what into who now?"  A new voice came in.  The two ops looked up, seeing Thunderbird enter, her aviator helmet under her arm, and her face one of confusion.  Y/N almost burst out with laughter as Twitch grew red, trying to explain what she was talking about, which she did well, minus being caught off guard.

"Worst time to walk in I guess"  Y/N chuckled.  Mina shrugged and sat back.

"I've heard worse.  I'm with Marius after all"

"Burn" Y/N chuckled.  "Where'd you come from?"

"Aircraft maintenance.  Lotta work keeping the flyers we have in flyable condition.  So...someone's getting married?"  Mina asked, looking between the two of them.

"Oh!  Not us, we're not together"  Twitch spoke, Y/N chuckling next to her.

"I don't know...we'd be cute"  he shrugged, making Twitch blush again.

"Be glad Monika didn't hear that"  she chuckled.  Thunderbird chuckled a bit too and smiled.

"Y/N and Monika huh?  Saw that one from miles away"  she laughed, setting her helmet down.  "All jokes aside, congrats you guys.  Hopefully we can all be there for the wedding"

"That's the plan"  Y/N nodded.  "Just need to figure out...everything else".  The room erupted in laughter as Y/N and the girls laughed more and talked more about the wedding, planning things, and coming up with ideas that may or may not work.

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