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-3rd Person POV-

IQ's entire body felt sore as she made her way over to the others.  Her fistfight with Xavier left her feeling achy all over, and she definitely knew she had at least a cracked rib.  Taking stifled breaths, she tried her best to help Wamai get Kali and Y/N out into the deck, where she immediately fell into Y/N, holding him tightly.  Y/N instinctively held her close as they made their way to the stern, where Kali ordered Wamai to get the lifeboat up and running.  In about a minute, he had finished securing the outboard to the little boat, and IQ had to admire his work speed.  Kali and Wamai helped Y/N and IQ into the boat, and they took off, looking back as the sinking boat fell beneath the waves, taking anything in its immediate vicinity down with it.

After a few minutes of Wamai piloting the boat back to Boston, IQ shivered and snuggled into Y/N for comfort.  "We...failed...."  she mumbled.  Y/N took off his jacket and draped it over her, hugging her close.

"It's alright, sweetie, it's okay"  he comforted, kissing her forehead.

"It's not, it's..." IQ trailed off, wiping a few tears.  Y/N had never seen her this way before.  Then he remembered:  she had bragged to him about her 100% mission success rate a few weeks ago.  He had chuckled and started tickling her that night, which led to them having sex for the first time, but now, she was a mess.  Because of a failed mission.

"We didn't exactly fail"  Kali spoke up, tightening her makeshift bandage over her gunshot wound on her shoulder.  Y/N looked up at her, still holding IQ close to him.

"Explain"  he spoke sternly. 

"I was getting some bad vibes from Xavier, but I passed it off as nervousness.  One night, I planted a tracker on him, just so we could keep tabs on his whereabouts.  Nothing came up that would cause concern from either of us" Kali motioned between her and Wamai "but once we get back to...Rainbow HQ i guess, I can bring up the tracker".  Y/N scoffed.

"You think we're just gonna let you come on in?"  Kali looked taken aback a bit.  "You need to be recruited to come in, plus you don't even have-"

"Operator Kali, clearance code: Atlantic"  she spoke flatly.  Y/N widened his eyes a bit.

"'ve been an active operator for two years!?"  Kali shrugged.

"Not really.  More of, I've been paid by Six to keep tabs on White Mask crossings in the Atlantic.  I was given clearance into Rainbow HQ, and am in the system and shit, but I'm not officially an operator"  Y/N looked to Wamai.

"Same deal?"  he asked.  Wamai nodded.

"Operator Wamai, clearance code: Harpoon"

"Well"  Y/N spoke, kissing IQ's forehead.  "Guess we'll see how well this tracker of yours works."  Wamai nodded and piloted the small boat into the harbor, and docked it, mooring it.  A harbormaster walked over and started talking to Wamai.  I didn't hear their conversation, but I saw the harbormaster take out his radio before shaking hands with Wamai.

"I got us a transport"  he spoke, walking back to us.

"Trans-atlantic?"  Kali asked.

"To the airport, then we need to fly commercial to London".   The group nodded, and fallowed Wamai to the road, where a harbormaster truck waited for them.  After piling in, and Wamai tipping the harbormaster, they were on their way to the airport.  Most of the ride, IQ was sound asleep, snuggled into Y/N, who talked a bit more openly to Kali, mostly about Xavier and how to find him.  Kali pulled out her phone and pulled up a radar app.  She tinkered with it, and showed the screen to Y/N, which showed a blip being pinged, which was currently around Mississippi.

"Speed demons"  Y/N muttered, looking at the screen.  The blip showed that Xavier was still moving, heading West.  He guessed that he would get to Texas in the next few hours.  Hopefully, Xavier would stay in the states, so that catching him would be a bit easier for Rainbow.  Kali nodded, and typed an email out, pocketing her phone.

"I just contacted Harry, let him know the situation, and that you two are with us"  she spoke, pointing between Y/N and IQ, who was still fast asleep.  Y/N nodded, stroking IQ's hair.

"I think I'm gonna ask Harry about some time off for me and her"  he spoke, holding IQ.  "She really broke down when she thought the mission was a bust"

"Yeah"  Kali nodded.  "Rest is needed, and highly recommended"

"Don't need to tell me twice"  Y/N chuckled dryly.  The rest of the ride was fairly silent, the only sounds being Wamai's smalltalk with they harbormaster, and IQ's cute snores.  Soon, the harbormaster pulled up at the airport dropoff, and the four ops hopped out, and headed in, grabbing their tickets, and heading to their gate.

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