Coming to Terms

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-An hour later-

I layed down on top of Y/N in our now-shared bed in our now-shared room.  His arms were wrapped around my waist, and mine rested on his chest, where my head also lay.  While he was pure bliss asleep, I was wide awake.  It was nearing noon, so the fact that he could be out cold right now is kinda odd, but honestly, if it means cuddling, I'm perfectly fine with it.

As I lay on him, I contemplated what he had told us.  He had lost so much in Brazil, and had carried a grudge against all Brazilians for some time.  Thankfully, we were able to resolve the latter, and Taina basically became his unofficial bodyguard.  Even after he had talked out his hidden demise with the four of us (Me, Harry, Taina, and Gustave) he still seemed a bit closed off.  I don't blame him though, and neither does anyone else.  What he went through was very severe, and he needs people to be there for him.  That's what I plan to do.  I'm gonna be the best girlfriend to him, and be there whenever he may need me.

His stirring knocked my train of thought off its tracks, and I snuggled deeper into him as he woke up.  I saw him look down at me and smile.  "Finally awake?"  I smirked.

"Ha ha very funny"  he chuckled.  I loved hearing his laugh.  It made me smile that I could make him happy.  I watched as he looked over to the digital clock that hung over the door, and sigh.  "Guess we need to get lunch?"

"We don't HAVE to"  I muttered into his chest, getting as close to him as I possibly could.  A growl was heard, the sound bellowing directly into my ear.  I jolted up some to look at him.

"When did you eat last?"  I asked.

"...not really sure.  Lunch yesterday?"

"Okay, we're getting food.  Now"  I ordered, getting out of bed and pulling him up.  He groaned a bit in protest as he was pulled up, not wanting to leave his sleep.

"Monikaaaaa..."  he trailed as I pulled him out into the hall.

"I don't care,"  I spoke sternly.  "You need to eat".  It took me around half an hour to drag his ass to the mess hall.  By that time, most of the others were in there, eating lunch and socializing.  We both grabbed lunches, though I had to nearly triple the food that was on Y/N's plate.  A single bag of chips and a piece of toast wouldn't cut it.  We walked to our usual table and sat down, after Y/N grabbed an extra large cup of coffee.

"Really need the energy huh?"  Eliza asked him, raising an eyebrow at the coffee.  Y/N yawned and nodded, pointing his thumb at me.

"This one dragged me outta bed"  he spoke, earning a smirk from me.

"So you can eat"  I reminded him as he nibbled at his toast.  I saw someone else sit down next to him, and looked up to see Meghan, and she didn't look pleased.

"Hey, asshole!"  she poked at Y/N, who ignored it.  "Listen to me when I'm talking to you!"

"Shut you fat ass Meghan!"  Eliza growled, forming a fist.  Meghan smirked.

"Unless you want issues, Liza, I suggest you stay out of this!"

"What did he ever do to you?"  I asked, calmly.

"Taina and I are best friends.  Need I say more?"  she asked, slapping Y/N's shoulder, non playfully.  "Oi!  If I have to bust your nose I will!"  At this, both Eliza and Jordan drew their sidearms, sitting them on the table, holding the grips.

"Try it and see what happens"  Jordan defended.

"You're all defending him!?  After what he did to Taina?!"  Meghan spoke loudly.  "He shouldn't be here right now!"  She then drew her D-50, and aimed it at Y/N.  That's when I started freaking out.  I was hyperventilating majorly, and sweating some.  Both Eliza and Jordan had their weapons pointed at Meghan, and by now, the entire mess hall was looking at us.

"Put the fucking gun down!"  Eliza ordered.  "Now!"

"And if I don't?"  Meghan smirked.  "You gonna kill me?"  she mocked.  I was about to slug her with my P12, when something slammed into her from behind, sending her crashing onto the table.  She quickly flipped around, but was pinned down by her attacker, who already had a knife at her throat.

"Lay one more finger on Y/N, and I skin you alive and feed you to wolves.  Understood!!??"  Taina shouted at her.  Meghan gulped and nodded quickly.  Taina then got off, and sheathed her knife.  "That was the one and only warning I'll give,"  she spoke loudly.  "Anyone tries to harm him, or Monika for that matter, I won't be so merciful"  she then went back to her table, grabbed her food, and came back, sitting down next to me.

"I..."  Taina held up her hand to me.

"It's fine, Monika.  After what he's gone through, he needs people to help him"  she spoke, taking a bite out of her BLT.  I looked over at Y/N, who was being looked over by Eliza and Jordan.  Where Mark and Dom were, I had no idea.  I then noticed Meghan standing behind us, a look of guilt on her face.  I sighed and Taina grumbled, gripping her knife. 

"What do YOU want?"  I asked, sternly.  Meghan sighed.

"To apologize.  I didn't know amends were made, or that he was going through something"  she spoke, sadly.  I knew she was being sincere.

"I'm not the one you should apologize to"  I spoke, nodding towards Y/N.  Meghan sighed and nodded, making her way over to him.  I sighed as well.

"I hope we can get him to get over it soon"  I blurted out.

"He'll never 'get over it' you know"  Taina spoke.  I nodded.

"I know, I mean like, be more open and willing"  I sighed, watching as Y/N and Meghan hugged it out, which brought a smile to my face.

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