Exploring Paradise

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-3rd Person POV-

"I'm having the strangest sense of Deja Vu"  Y/N spoke, flopping into the bed of his and IQ's hotel suite.

"You too?"  IQ asked, dropping her bag and flopping onto the bed next to him.  Y/N's arm made its way around IQ, holding her.

"Well, we're here"  Y/N spoke after a bit, cries of seagulls being heard out the window.  The German looked up and out the window, the view of the water at a decent distance, but the gray area filled in with beautiful sands and lush vegetation, and the occasional tiki-bar-style shop.  She made a mental note to try as many of those places as possible.  Not to get wasted, just for the experience.

"And here is very beautiful"  she spoke, nuzzling back into him. 

"Good there?"  Y/N asked.

"Mhm"  she responded, muffled.  "Wanna try one of those bars?"

"Huh?"  Y/N asked, not being able to hear on account of her words being muffled.  She perked her head up, locking eyes with him.

"All those Tiki-style places.  I wanna check them out"


"Yeah, why not?"  she quipped, hopping up, starting to change.  Y/N couldn't help but admire her, politely averting his gaze as she changed.  They were very much sexualy active, but Y/N still liked to be a respectful person when she was exposed.  As she finished up, Y/N got a message on his phone.  Curious, he opened it and read it, smiling and typed out a reply.  "Who's that?"  IQ asked.

"Believe it or not, Harry.  Guy sent me a top 10 list of bars and eateries here"  he responded, sending his thank you reply to Harry.

"Sometimes the guy needs to be admired"  The German spoke, sliding into a pair of flip flops.  Y/N changed into a Hawaii shirt, khaki shorts, and boat shoes, popping a pair of sunglasses on, and took IQ's arm, leading her out into the Filipino air.  The two walked down a sandy road, the occasional Jeep stocked with surf equipment driving by, as they made their way into the little town.  Unlike the rest of the place, the town was actually paved, and sidewalks made from shells lined the streets.  Most of the shops were made with the tiki styling, spare a few, including a bank, theater, dealership, and a Ralph Lauren shop, which Y/N seemed to be interested in.

"Where to?"  Y/N asked, walking down the sidewalk, hand-in-hand with her.

"Ooooooo there's a coffee shop!"  she exclaimed.  Y/N smirked.

"Feel like there should be, but let's go"  They enter the shop, getting the pleasant aroma of brewing coffee and hints of vanilla and hazelnut.

"Not crazy bout the name though"  IQ muttered jokingly to Y/N as they hopped in the rather short line to the counter.

"What?  You think Badass Coffee isn't a good name?"  he smirked, ruffling her hair, causing her to giggle.  They got to the front, placing their orders, and waited at the pick up desk.  IQ had to admit, it was a funny name for a coffee shop.  Once they had gotten their drinks, they sat down outside, effectively basking in the tropical sunlight.

"We're gonna come back pretty tan"  IQ muttered, sliding off her flipflops, not keen on a sun-tan tattoo design.  Y/N chuckled, kissing her cheek, looking out into the town.

"That's how you know you vacationed right.  Before the Spartans, I took very few vacations in the army.  I savored the ones I could take, making sure I made the most out of them"  he spoke, looking over to her.  She nodded slowly, looking back at him, smiling just a tad.

"Thanks hun" she spoke softly, leaning into him a bit, sipping her iced coffee.  Y/N smiled, wrapping an arm around her, kissing her cheek again, sipping his own drink, as a thought occurred to him.


"Hm?" she hummed, looking up at him.

"Would you wanna try surfing?"

Scanned (IQ x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now