Range Time

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We walked down to the Mess Hall in silence.  After what happened in the room, I didn't know how to spark conversation with Monika.  Not that I necessarily HAD to, I just...don't feel like telling her what had happened, what was making me so closed off.  I internally scolded myself when I realized I blew my cover of being happy-go-lucky this morning when I threw my pillow at her phone, in an attempt to shut her alarm off.  I have nothing against Three Days Grace, mind you, I just wanted rest.

"You don't have to tell me what happened, IF something happened, I just want to know if you're alright?"  Monika spoke up, breaking the slightly-awkward silence.

"I'm fine, Monika"  I spoke, colder than I wanted.  I sighed, and turned and stopped her.  "Look, I'm sorry I'm snapping at you.  I just have a rough past, and"  I took a shaky breath before continuing.  "And I generally hide myself away because of it.  Nothing against you, I just...need my own space"

"I totally get that"  Monika responded, quick as a bullet.  "I'll give you space, just know that I am here to talk about anything"  she promised.  I smiled a bit, and drew her in for a quick embrace.

"Thank you Monika"  I spoke after pulling away.

"Of course.  Now let's get some food, ya?"  I nodded, and we made our way into the mess hall, which was quite busy for the current time.  We got in line at the buffet-style breakfast bar, and each filled our plates with eggs, bacon, toast, and juice.  Once we got our trays, and after I snagged an oatmeal cookie from the snack bar, we sat down at a random table, which consisted of Jordan, Eliza, Mark, and a man I haven't met yet.

"Ah, there ya are, newbie!"  Jordan chuckled, setting down his half-eaten toast.

"Be nice!"  Eliza scolded, smacking him upside the head.  I chuckled lightly as Jordan rubbed the back of his head.  I sat down next to Eliza, and Monika took up my other side, sitting next to the guy I haven't met before.  He seemed to notice there was a new face, and so he outstretched his hand to me, reaching over Monika, to introduce himself.

"Name's Dominic Brunsmeier, or Bandit"  he introduced.  I shook his hand a bit weaker than I usually do, but I was just getting over a flashback, albeit, a lot quicker thanks to Monika's presence.  She really was a beautiful person.

"Y/N L/N, or Blade"  I responded, as I began to eat my breakfast.  Dominic seemed to pick up on the weaker handshake, as he looked at me oddly for a second, before sparking small-talk with Monika.

"So, Y/N, first impressions on base?"  Jordan asked me, pointing his fork in my direction.  I shrugged.

"It's nice, I guess"  I spoke, nibbling at my cookie.

"You guess?"  Eliza asked, cocking her head.  I sighed.

"I had a rough morning, so I'm not in a great mood"  I admitted, sipping at my orange juice.  I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked at Eliza, who bore a worried face, which I noticed was shared between her, Jordan, and Mark.

"What do you mean by "rough"?"  she asked, bringing her hand to rest by her thigh.  It was only then I noticed the drop-leg holster strapped on her thigh, with her sidearm, whatever gun it was, secured inside.  "I swear, if your roommate tried to mess with you, I'll kill them".  I smirked, and looked her in the eye.

"No need, Monika has been nothing but great"  I spoke in monotone.  "I just...nevermind.  I can't talk about it outloud yet"

"That's alright, Y/N"  Eliza smiled at me.

"Wait"  Jordan put his hands into a "timeout" gesture.  "You're bunking with Monika?"  he asked, eyes widened.

"Y-yes"  I nodded, taking a peek at her, who was deep in conversation with Domonic.  "Is that, like, not allowed?"

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