Chase in the streets

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-3rd person POV-

As Y/N chased Salvador all around the party building, Monika was having a hard time catching up to them.  As soon as Salvador bolted, a good number of his personal guards leapt at her, so she had to deal with them for some time.  They were all bulky and beefy, however, as everyone knew, one shot was all it took.  She was able to catch up to them as they burst through the side entrance into the bar area, however, she was once again stopped by the guards, who opened fire at her with their SMGs.  She quickly dove behind the bar, and waited for them to reload.  Once hearing the distinct click of a reload, she pooped out and fired two shots, dropping two of the guards.  P12 pointed at the stairs, she quickly moved over to the dead guards and took one of their SMGs, reloaded it, and stood up.  At that moment, Y/N jumped over into the bar and pulled out two shot glasses and a bottle of Captain Morgan spiced.

"Salvador?"  IQ asked quickly.

"Trying to get a ride"  Y/N responded, pouring two shots of pure Captain.  "We need some fire in us right now"

"Agreed"  she nodded.  They raided their shot glasses.

"Bottoms up"  Y/N said, downing his shot, as did IQ.  The fiery nature of spiced rum kicked in quickly, and they nodded at each other.  "Let's go get that son of a bitch"  Y/N spoke as they both busted out of the main entrance.  Y/N immediately began firing at Salvador, who was getting into a small car.  The shots peppered the side of the car, littering it in silver splotches against its dark red paint job.  He had, however, managed to headshot the getaway driver, leaving Salvador no choice but to abandon the vehicle and make a run for it. 

IQ had to admit, for his small, fimble frame, Salvador was pretty fleet-footed.  She slowed down her pace and watched in utter bliss as he parkoured up the side of a building and onto the top of it, disappearing into the construction rafters.  "Dammit!"  she dissed, hopping onto the ladder on the side of the building.

Y/N, meanwhile, had followed Salvador's way up the building, hurting his shoulder in the process, but paying it no attention as he chased after the doctor.  The chase led him to a multitude of multi-leveled buildings, the one they were on being the tallest.  The next tallest one was a good couple dozen feet below them.  Salvador peered over the side of the building and looked back, finding the barrel of Y/N's 5.7 inches from his face.  "Give up Salvador"  he boasted.  "I won't fire"

"I didn't mean to kill all those people!"  Salvador pleaded.  Y/N smirked.

"No, you wanted to kill me.  AND rainbow"

"Rainbow is a terrorism unit!"  Salvador spoke up.  "They're aided by Nighthaven!"  At this, Y/N lowered his handgun slightly, processing the information.

"Nighthaven, the private military?"  he asked.  The doctor nodded.

"They've been known to commit horrid war crimes to get information,"  he spoke.  Y/N smirked again and raised his gun.

"And the masks haven't?"   Salvador shut his mouth, no excuse coming out.  Y/N smirked and turned him around, slapping on a pair of handcuffs.  "Let's go, buddy"  Y/N led Salvador to the edge of the building where IQ waited, a small smile on her face.

"You know"  she stated.  "I haven't seen you use your blades in a while"  she cocked her head.  Y/N shrugged.

"They can be a bit cumbersome"  he supplied, throwing Salvador over his shoulder and sliding down the ladder.  The two made their way out to the harbor docks to their rented dingy, and loaded up.  IQ held Salvador at gunpoint while Y/N unmoored them and took off, driving out into the Atlantic.  After a few minutes, a fairly sized fishing boat became apparent on the horizon.  Upon a closer look, it was a repurposed fishing boat, with some more armor and a few light deck guns.  "I don't like this"  Y/N spoke, pulling up alongside the boat.  A rope ladder was thrown down to them, hitting Salvador in the head, to which, Y/N chuckled.

"Come on up!"  A male voice spoke.  Y/N looked up and saw an African male looking over at them, dressed, from what he could see, in a black-and-blue wetsuit.  With some help from the individual, Y/N and IQ got Salvador up onto the boat.  "I will inform Jamini that you are here"  the African spoke, and proceeded below deck.  He emerged a minute later, followed by a muscular woman, wearing some light tactical armor and a bandana.

"Jamini"  Y/N spoke, a bit annoyed.

"Still not fond of me, Y/N?"  Jamini asked, raising an eyebrow.  Y/N shrugged.

"Thank Blood Beach for that"  he spoke.  Jamini nodded and grabbed Salvador.

"Let's interrogate this punk, shall we?"

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