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I couldn't control myself.  I couldn't think straight, or at all.  My mind was solely on ending Xavier, and making it hurt.  Bad.  I rammed into him, knocking him off balance, and sending him into the water that surrounded the garden.  I could hear his labored breathing, probably the blow knocked his wind out.  I didn't care.  His weapon and the detonator were long gone, somewhere in the sand.  We were in the water.  The water that will be his grave.

"YOU HURT Y/N YOU PAY"  I heard myself shriek at him, sending a kick to his chest, having him fall back down in the water.  I knew what I was saying and doing, but it didn't feel like I was in control.  I felt my blood pumping, the adrenaline kicking into overgear.  That's probably what was leading to my actions.  I pinned him down in the water as he struggled to speak.

"H-have m-mercy"  he pleaded, realizing he was definitely done for.

"There's no mercy for scum like you"  I spoke, as clearly as I could.  I watched as he drew something from his belt, and tried to take a swing at me.  Fortunately, I was faster, and caught his hand before the knife even came close to making contact.  "You whitemask are all the same"  I smirk, very roughly ripping the knife from his hand.  I threw a punch to his face, sending him back down into the water.  At that point, I jumped onto him, and just threw punch after punch into him, not stopping and not wanting to.

Why would I?  Why would I stop for someone who's caused us so much harm?  Planning to kill me and Y/N in Boston with Project Heracles, sinking Kali's boat which nearly killed us, and now...I wanted to look back to where Y/N lay, I wanted to rush over and make sure he was okay, to seek his comfort, but right now, I could do no such thing.  Not until this scumbag was done for.  Growling again, I grabbed his arm, and bent it back in a way it was not supposed to go.  I didn't flinch or cringe when I heard and felt it snap, nor did I care when he cried out.  He must be gone, he must be ended, he MUST-

"MONIKA!  STOP!"  I heard from behind me.  I glanced over my shoulder, and saw both Y/N and Eliza there, Eliza tending to Y/N's wound, both looking at me with worried faces.  The look on Y/N's face was enough to get me to break down.  'What am I doing??' I thought, taking a few shaky steps away from Xavier, and nearly collapsing.

I watched Xavier shake in the water, as if he was having a seizure, which made me feel more like a monster.  Yes I want him gone, he deserves to be gone....that thought alone caused me to let out a growl.  The internal conflict I was feeling was weighty.

"Monika..."  I heard from next to me.  I looked and saw Y/N's worried face looking at me.  I looked back at him, and just completely broke down.  This time I did collapse, down to my knees, letting everything out as I cried into him.  Who was I?  What have I become?  Is this who I am now?  People will live in fear of what I could do to them? 

"I..."  I let out through my tears.  "I couldn't control myself"  I sniffled a bit into Y/N's shoulder as I saw Eliza approach Xavier.  They had an exchange, then Eliza aimed her weapon and put a single round through his head.  Just like that, it was over.

At least for everyone but me.  I have to live knowing I turned into a...monster.  I just wanted to protect those close to me, to protect Y/N, but...

"Monika"  Eliza spoke as she walked up.  "While...aggressive, I must say, you did well."

"I'm a monster"  I muttered, holding Y/N as we both stood.  Eliza looked at me, and I could see her face covered in sorrow through her stern expression.

"Let's get home.  You need rest"  was all she said before hailing the chopper to take us back to Hereford.

-The next day-


"Of course you'd say that, Tai"  I muttered, slumping further into the couch.

"What's not to say?  You took down the target"  Taina spoke, sipping her soda.  I looked at her, knitting my eyebrows.

"I became a monster, Tai.  I didn't fight how we were trained to.  I fought with anger, hate.  We all know where that leads"  Slowly, Taina nodded, setting her drink down.

"I know because I've been there before.  A few times."  I looked at her curiously, and she sighed.  "Sometimes I lose myself and become too much.  Funny enough that's what makes me a good interrogator"

"Fair point.  Still, that's not who I am"

"It's not babe, and I know that"  We both turned to see Y/N walking in with Eliza and Gustave, Y/N taking a seat next to me, wrapping his arms around me as the other two sat down.

"Should I give some space or?"  Taina asked, looking between the party that had just entered.

"Up to you"  Gustave shrugged.  "I just want to make sure Monika is alright"

"I'm f-fine"  I got out, hiding away in Y/N.  Gus sighed, sharing a glance with Eliza.

"Monika, I know how you feel right now, but we just want to make sure you are alright.  As Rainbow, it's our duty to protect, and I know everything that Xavier has done was horrible, but you can't just go full apeshit on someone.  We could've interrogated him for information on the white mask"

"I..."  I tried to speak but nothing came out.  I was at a loss for words.  I felt bad about what I had done, yes.  I also know that I'd be able to control myself better if it happened again.

"Monika"  Gustave spoke up.  "Please hear me out.  Harry spoke with me and Eliza, and he wants you and I to do a therapy session"

"Seriously?"  Y/N asked.  I smiled, knowing Y/N has my back.  Curiously, I looked up.

"When?"  I asked, throat a bit dry.

"Monthly for a few sessions"  Gus spoke, shrugging.  "I suggested it, but only because I don't want to watch you go down the same path my old comrade did.  Let's say, he had a traumatic event, and it led to him...it's a lot"  I could see him wiping a tear.  "I know you're an intelligent person, and are stable, I just want to make sure for myself."

"As long as I'm not a liability"  I muttered, sinking back into Y/N.

"Babe, you're not at all.  We all care about you"  Y/N spoke, kissing my forehead.

"Please Monika,"  Taina spoke up.  "Like Gustave, I to have a history of such events.  We want you to be okay."  Taina and Gustave shared a look.  I saw something in that look, one I knew far too well.

"Alright"  I nod, taking a breath.  "Just know I'm stable, and can control myself."

"We know"  Eliza smiled.  "Just giving you a resource to vent or talk"  I shrug to myself, cause if i need that, I go to Y/N.  But if Harry even requested it, I figured I should.  As Eliza and Taina cleared out, and Y/N went to fetch a snack, I looked over to Gustave with a small smirk.

"What?"  he asked, knitting his eyebrows.

"You like Taina don't you?"  I asked, raising an eyebrow.  Silently, he cursed in French.

"How did you-"

"I saw the twinkle in your eyes when you guys made eye contact a bit ago."  I spoke, matter-of-factly.  Gustave sighed.

"Not good at hiding it huh?"  I chuckled.

"Not at all, my friend"

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