Party Plans

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-One week later-

-3rd Person POV-

Around a week had gone by since Blade's incident in the training situation.  Since then, with the help of Monika, Taina, Meghan, and others, he had opened up a lot more, and had pretty much formed some sort of bond with most to all of the team's members.  He had become a pretty involved person, willing to hang out a lot more, to talk more, and to even initiate a few late night drinking parties after missions.

All this brought a smile to IQ's face as she clung to the side of the training pool.  Goggles raised, she hopped out, grabbing a towel, and dried off.  'Six laps in under 2 minutes.  Monika Weiss you are a beast' she told herself as she threw on a hoodie and sweatpants over her swimsuit.  In a normal mission, she wouldn't have the luxury of being in a streamline swimsuit if she was underwater.  She would most likely be in a hoodie and jeans, with her headgear, sneakers, tac-vest and RED still on her, and most likely with her weapon as well.  However, she was swimming laps to build muscle.  On her way out, she stopped at the mess hall and grabbed a protein shake, in which she didn't really drink much of, but after an hour of lifting plus almost another hour of swim, she felt she needed the extra 'good stuff', as Tachanka referred to it as.

She made her way back up to her and Blade's room, where she fiddled with the key for a second, before unlocking the door and stepping in.  "Y/N I'm back!  Imma hop in the shower!"  she spoke out to him.  She saw he was still in bed, but waking up, sitting up and rubbing his eyes some.

"Okay"  he replied, peering at the clock, which read 06:14 AM.  Blade raised an eyebrow at this.  "How early were you up?"  he asked the German as she finished the shake and tossed the container.  She shrugged before responding.

"Before 0400, that's for sure"  she informed, stepping into the bathroom to shower.

"Don't fall asleep in there!"  she heard him call out.  She laughed to herself as she responded.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!" she called back, turning on the water.  Around half an hour later, she emerged from the hot water, and dried herself off, exiting with the towel wrapped around her, her wet hair plastered against her head.  She exited to see Blade laying on the couch reading a book, minding his own business.  As quietly as possible, she snuck up to him, and quickly wrapped her still-damp arms around him, wetting his t-shirt some.

"Monika!"  he chuckled, hugging her back a little after saving his place in the book.

"Sorry, couldn't resist"  she chuckled, breaking off the hug and making her way to her wardrobe.  "Babe, if you don't mind?"

"Say no more,"  Blade chuckled, flipping around so that his face was in the couch, allowing IQ to change.  She concluded earlier on that she wouldn't mind him seeing her revealed, or partially revealed, just not yet.  She felt herself tremble slightly at the thoughts that passed through her mind.  She wanted it.  Like, REALLY wanted it, but she knew the time would come whenever it would come, and so, she quickly finished changing, and walked over to the couch.

"Okay I'm decent"  she smirked as Blade raised his head.  She had changed into casual clothing, sporting a long-sleeved shirt featuring the GSG-9 logo, and a pair of training shorts.  She flopped onto the couch, laying on top of Blade, letting her head rest on his chest, feeling his calm breathing and smiled.  "This is nice"  she spoke softly, letting her eyes close.  She felt Blade's hand fall onto her back, holding her close to him.

"What do we have planned for today?"  he asked after a little bit.  Glancing at the clock, which now read 7:44 AM, IQ pondered the question.

"After training, not really sure"  she answered truthfully.  "It's a small simulation today, as Eliza is leading a recon squad in London, set to depart this evening"

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