Forming a Plan

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The mist and clouds of a crisp night engulfed the small craft almost completely.  It headed forth at a steady pace, keeping its altitude level, to avoid any risk of detection, while simultaneously collecting information.  As it approached the shoreline of a rocky outcropping, the camera on the craft's chin whirred to life, relaying the video capture back to its controller.

"Not exactly what you'd call a vacation getaway"  Y/N muttered, watching the screen in the room as Twitch piloted the UAV drone over the island.  The land in the feed grew as the drone flew over it, changing from jagged, rocky areas to a more luscious section of vegetation.  Still, it gave Y/N an uneasy feel.

"Who would have a base out here?"  Twitch muttered, continuing her recon flyover.  From the corner of the room, Ash smirked, leaned against the wall with her arms folded.

"Perfect place honestly.  No one would think to go there"

"Let alone make a base"  Y/N nodded, watching as the UAV drone began to pick up signs of manmade structure.  The structure looked almost run down, like it's been abandoned and left to the will of the elements.  It probably was, Y/N thought.

"So the masks are using this island to create more of this...Project Heracles?  I'm getting that right?"  Twitch asked, looking between the other two in the room.

"From the info that Monika got from the doctor, yes.  It's an operation that needs to be put to an end immediately"

"Yes but we can't just go for a full on assault"  Ash spoke up, walking over to the footage, observing it.  "For one, a seabound landing will be all but futile"

"Rather avoid those rocks for sure"  Y/N agreed, fiddling with the promise ring that IQ had gotten them the day prior.  A small gesture that meant the world to him.

"What about arial?"  Twitch asked, getting the complete scan of the base.  "Only seems to have a pair of flak guns"

"Which will probably tear apart any aircraft upon detection"  Ash countered, studying the scans and trying to come up with a plan.  Needless to say, the group was stumped.

"You said the flaks could tear up any aircraft upon detection?"  Y/N asked, looking over to Ash.  The redhead nodded, clicking her tongue.

"For sure" 

"What if it was undetectable?"

"Not possible"  Twitch spoke up.  "For that, the craft would need major cloaking or scan-shielding or-"

"Just leave it at no Emma...some of us aren't exactly tech savvy"  Ash spoke, giving Y/N a semi-playful side-eye.

"Hey!"  Y/N scoffed.  Ash chuckled, looking at Twitch.

"What if it was not powered?"  she asked.

"You mean a glider?  What difference is that than just paratrooping from an AC-130?"

"Would you want to skydive?"  Y/N asked, looking between the two girls in the room.  Both shrugged.

"I'm all for it"  Twitch answered.

"Let's keep a glider.  Least that way if there's a rough landing it wont be as damaging"  Y/N reasoned.

"You're reasoning has holes Y/N"  Ash spoke  "But it's logical"

"This is hurting my brain"  Twitch muttered, ordering the UAV back to base.

"Okay, so we glide in, go undetected, then what?  Where do we land?"  Y/N asked, studying the photos from the drone.

"Here"  Ash spoke, circling a small cave that opens up to the sea.  "Not much room for land, but that also means not many guards.  Gives us time to get out and draw weapons"

"A water landing?"  Y/N asked.  "One slip up and the whole glider shatters"

"We won't slip up"  Ash spoke simply.  "You and Monika will glide in, wipe out guards if you have to, and dispose of project Heracles.  Myself, Emma, and Jordan will be ready to assist in a second glider, should it need"

"I'm hating this plan more and more"  Twitch mumbled.

"Get used to it.  We roll out tomorrow"  Ash ordered, walking out of the room, pulling out her phone.  Twitch and Y/N shared a mutual look of questioning before packing away the drone equipment.

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