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This is it!!!  The last chapter of this story (for now)!  Been a long while coming, and this story has gone on for a while and I'm glad it now has an ending!  Hope you all enjoy!  (And yes the reader x Nokk story will resume)

-Some random day in the future-


I jumped up from the table in Gus and Taina's apartment after hearing what sounded like engines roaring from in the hall.  Taina, Eliza and I threw open the door to the apartment, and I almost got wiped out as a rather large RC vehicle zoomed past, flying down the hall.  I was too in question to see the next one moving in on us rapidly.  Fortunately, Taina acted quick, and her boot was on top of the little car in no time.  Curiously, I picked it up, and found that it was all made of metal.

"Who makes a remote control car out of metal?"  I asked.  Eliza looked at it, and almost instantly scrunched her face.

"And who fills it with gasoline?"  I took a sniff, and sure enough, I caught the whiff of petrol coming from the car.  Our questions were answered when Gustave came jogging around the corner, waving his hands around.

"Obstruction of race!"  he exclaimed.  At that point, Y/N and Jordan came around, both holding beefy-looking controllers.  I rolled my eyes, and saw Taina glare at Gustave.  I heard a smack from behind me and figured Eliza must've facepalmed herself.

"Do I even wanna know?"  Eliza asked, looking between the boys.  Y/N shrugged.

"We were having a race, and Jordan's car just wasn't moving, so we came to see" 

"You were racing gasoline-powered RC cars inside our apartment building?"  I asked.  All three boys responded with a synchronous "yep".  I sighed, looking to Eliza and Taina for what to even say. 

"We have a day off,"  Jordan shrugged.  "Wanted to have some fun"

"Why not the gym?"  Taina asked.

"Already been,"  Gustave answered.

"Cafeteria?  Grab some food?"  I suggested.

"We're full"  Y/N answered, the others nodding in agreement.

"Sleep in maybe?"  Eliza supplied.  "I know I do on off days"

"Till like 8 AM.  Hun, that's far past sleeping in"  Jordan commented, kissing her cheek.

"Why don't we all just chill?"  I suggested, looking between the group.  The boys have some pouty faces, looking like they still want to race their metal cars around.  Last thing we need is something breaking.  Including bones.

"We were about to decide the victor!"  Gustave interjected.  "It was neck and neck!"

"Decide tomorrow" Taina chimes in, laying into him a bit.  "Spend some time with your girlfriends, how about?"

"Second that '' Eliza chuckled.  After the boys gave in, we were all gathered on the couch of my and Y'N's apartment, chatting about life, and how we want to spend our off day, since it was only around 10:30 or so.

"So no movie?"  Jordan asked.

"We've watched so many at this point" Y/N countered.  He wasn't wrong.  As a group we've watched a lot of movies and shows.  I'd say too many.

"Why not brunch?"  I asked.  I felt a quick warmth on my cheek, and looked over to see Y/N pulling out of a peck.  I smiled.

"I could use some food,"  he spoke.  The boys seemed to have a mutual agreement for food.

"What about that IHOP?  Where we went after our movie party?"  Eliza suggested, looking excited.  I chuckled a bit, looking at her.

"You want those pancakes again don't you?"  I asked.  Eliza shrugged.

"They were good,"  she nodded.  I felt Y/N drape his arm around me, and by reaction, I nuzzled into him, letting his hand run through my hair.  I had let my hair grow out a bit, just to around my shoulders.  Made getting my helmet on and off a bit more cumbersome, but still manageable.

"Wait, what movie party?"  Gustave asked, looking around.  Taina got into his lap and nuzzled a bit.  Not sure if she was imitating me or not.

"Something we did before you and I got together"  she spoke to him.  Gustave smirked.

"Now I'm wanting to try these pancakes."

"Great!  I'll shoot Meghan and Maxim a message, see if they'll join"  I added, pulling out my phone.  After I hit 'send', Jordan cleared his throat.

"If I may ask, Y/N and Monika, when's the big day?  Still in planning?"  I blushed a bit as he asked that, nuzzling more into Y/N.  Planning a wedding was hard work.  Yes Y/N helped me through it all, but still, lotta thought to put in.

"A ways away.  We're thinking sometime in the summer?"  I supplied, shrugging.  I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and took a peak, smiling.  "Also, Dom and Meghan are gonna join us for food"

"Big group, should we get a reservation?"  Eliza asked. 

"Probably a good idea"  Gustave nodded.  "We wouldn't wanna wait"

-an hour later-

-3rd person POV-

The group had just wrapped up their pancake excursion, getting much of the same flavors as the morning after their movie party.  Talk was mainly about life, but the subject was quickly changed to Y/N and IQs wedding plans.

"When in summer?  Early?  Late?"  Taina asked.

"Whenever it's not blisteringly hot"  Y/N shrugged, nibbling his pancakes.

"Second that,"  Ash spoke up.

"We'll get it sorted out and get you all notified as soon as possible"  IQ reassured.  "It's a lot to plan a wedding ya know".  At this, the three other girls all nodded.

"Not to mention the bill"  Valkyrie muttered, earning a smirk from IQ.

"Yeeeeppppp"  she groaned, sipping her water.  "One might think we booked a week in the Maldives"

"We still can,"  Y/N nudged the blonde.  "Rainbow does pay well"

"Still would rather save, and invest in our future"  IQ responded.

"Smart"  Ash nodded, finishing off her plate.  "Jordan and I have started investing, and keeping an eye on shares every day"

"It's exhausting,"  Thermite nodded.  "But I see good reason"

"Maybe I should look into that"  Y/N mused.  The group continued chatting for a while, before heading back to their apartments.  After the food, everyone was pretty tired, so most went to sleep or a short nap.  As for Y/N and IQ, they ended up just snuggling on the couch, happy to be with each other.

"We have come a long way, haven't we?"  Y/N asked.  IQ nodded into his shoulder.

"We have...I remember you were so closed off"  she teased, looking up at him.  Y/N shrugged, playing with her hair.

"Blood Beach wasn't fun"  Y/N breathed deeply.  "But you all helped me.  I'm forever grateful for that"

"That's what friends, and in my case, girlfriends, are for"

"Don't you mean fiance?"  Y/N smirked.  IQ just kissed him, long and deep.  When they separated, they both bore wide, child-like smiles.

"Yes, I mean fiance.  Now then"  IQ slowly traced her finger up Y/N's chest, looking at him with a lustful look.  "Your fiance just got super horny...how do you plan to deal with that?"  Y/N smiled, and scooped IQ up, taking them over to their shared bed, laying her down on her back, before standing back up.

"Why don't I show you?"  he smirked.  IQ giggled, tossing off her shirt.

"Take me, Blade"

Scanned (IQ x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now