Movie Party

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-1 hour later-

"That was exciting to watch"  IQ complimented Blade as he put his M4A1 away in his "cage".  He smirked, and placed down his Kryo Blades.

"I got lit up as soon as I entered the objective room"  he muttered, exiting the cage and locking it.  He assumed position next to IQ and they walked towards the garage.

"Regardless, you and Taina put on a show"  she shrugged, resting her head on his shoulder as they walked.  Blade smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they entered the garage.

"Glad you enjoyed it".  The two then drove off to the store to pick up snacks for their movie party they were hosting in a few hours.  It took some time, mainly due to some, let's say, minor disagreements over what to get, but in the end, both were happy as they came out with everything they wanted.  Upon returning to base with bags stuffed full of snacks and drinks, a curious Thermite walked up to them.

"That all for tonight?"  he asked, pointing to the bags.

"Yup"  IQ nodded.  "Enough for everyone to bring a bag of chips or a box of cookies back to their room afterwards."

"Bold of you to assume there will be leftovers"  Thermite chuckled.

"Well, you can have as much as you please"  Blade assured.

"Well that's good"  Thermite nodded, leaning in to them.  "Don't tell Eliza, but I plan on stashing some packs of Oreos in our room"  he whispered to them.  Blade and IQ shared a questionative look, before laughing lightly.

"Secret is safe with us"  IQ promised, hoisting the bag onto her shoulder.  "Now, we should get going Y/N, to set up".  Blade noticed a sense of urgency in her voice, and so he shrugged, bid Thermite a farewell, and they walked down to the room.

"You seem very urgent about something, spill it"  Blade chuckled as they entered the dorm hallway.  IQ seemed a bit nervous, and began rubbing her arm.

"W-we should just set up..."  she trailed off, pulling her room key from her pocket.  Blade caught her hand before she could insert the key into the lock.


"It's just..."  IQ sighed and leaned against the wall.  "I'm feeling conflicted"

"Conflicted?"  Blade asked, leaning next to her.  "What about?".  IQ mumbled something too quiet for him to hear, and looked away.  "Babe, I didn't catch that"

"Sex!"  she spoke, a whole lot louder than the first time.  Blade saw the look on her face, and brought her in for a loving embrace.

"You're conflicted about that?"  he asked her as she buried her head into his shoulder.  Rather skillfully, Blade unlocked the room door, and brought the bags inside, all while still hugging, and now basically carrying, IQ.

"I...I want it, but..."  she sighed.  "I don't think I'm ready"  she spoke softly.  Blade planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Babe, seriously, don't rush something like that.  We'll take things at your pace, alright?  When you feel ready, and willing, we'll talk about it".  IQ snuggled further into his chest as he brought them down onto the couch.

"It's just...I feel like I owe it to you to-"

"No you don't"  Blade insisted, stopping her.  "You don't owe me anything.  At least, not something of that caliber"

"I know, I'm sorry"

"Don't be.  I'm glad you voiced your concern".  He felt IQ release the embrace, and looked to see her heading over to the bags by the door.

"Well?"  she asked, tossing him a 2 liter bottle of Orange Fanta.  "Shall we set up?".  Blade couldn't help but smile at her sudden positivity boost.  Cracking open the Fanta, he took a large swig, loving the feeling of the carbonated beverage slide down his throat.  "Hey!"  IQ laughed, swiping the bottle.  "Save me some at least!"  she smirked, taking a swig.  "Oh that shit's good!"

"100%.  Now let's get set up".  Nearing an hour later, the two were all set up for the small party they will be hosting.  The setup didn't take too long, as all they really did was neaten up their sofa, pour the snacks into large bowls, and scattered them around, and brought some pillows and blankets from their now-shared bed onto the couch and floor.  IQ even opted to take her second shower of the day.  Blade didn't mind, as it gave him a second chance to smell her lemon-scented shampoo, a scent he had come to love.  They were just chilling on the couch, Blade sitting normally, and IQ had her feet tucked up under her, when there was a knock on the door.  IQ hopped up and opened it, and greeted Thermite and Ash.

"Like how you tidied up a bit"  Ash noted, flopping down next to Blade, who smirked.

"Not like it took much effort"  he retorted back, earning a chuckle from Ash.

"So?"  Thermite began, grabbing a Dorito from one of the bowls.  "We decide what movie to watch?"

"We figured we'd decide as a group"  IQ informed, sitting down on Blade's lap and leaning into him some.  "But if it were up to me, then we'd be watching Black Hawk Down"

"Great movie"  Thermite commented, sitting down next to Ash.

"Agreed"  Ash and Blade spoke in unison, followed by a few laughs.  About 15 minutes later, everyone was in the room, settling in.  IQ sat in the space between Blade's legs, and leaned back into him, sharing the Orange Fanta 2 liter with him.  Ash sat next to Thermite, but had her head leaned on his shoulder.  Caveira opted for the floor, staying near Blade and IQ, keeping up her "bodyguard" identity.  Bandit and Valkyrie were on the floor near Thermite and Ash.  Blade noticed how the two were acting, laughing lightly, while playing, from what he could see, chopsticks.

"Alright, what does everyone feel like watching?"  IQ asked the lot.  "I vote for Black Hawk Down"

"How about Raiders of the Lost Ark?"  Blade suggested, earning a nod from IQ.

"I've actually never seen Curse of the Black Pearl.  Or any Pirates movie for that matter"  Ash admitted.  Blade, Bandit, Thermite, and Valkyrie all looked in her direction, all with a raised eyebrow.  "What?"

"You haven't seen Pirates of the Carribean?"  Valkyrie asked.  Ash shook her head.

"Wasn't really into 'em.  Since after school, my life has been invested in the FBI"  she said, a hint of sadness in her voice.  The rest of the group shared a look with each other, and a mutual understanding was shared as IQ closed Netflix and opened Disney+, plugging in 'pirates' into the search bar.

"Okay, Black Pearl it is"  she smiled, putting the movie on.  Thermite smiled as he saw Ash's face light up at the movie choice.

"You guys really didn't have to do that"  she said.  "I would've been fine with anything-"

"Nonsense"  Valkyrie replied, leaning into Bandit, which surprised Blade.  "You've been working insanely hard these past couple months.  Enjoy a night's furlough".  Ash smiled and settled in as the movie played.

Halfway through the movie, Blade felt IQ shift on his lap, and looked to see she was completely laid back onto him, snuggling into the crook of his neck, smiling.  She took a small sip from the Fanta bottle, and reset her eyes on the movie.  Blade noticed the way that Valkyrie was laying against Bandit, her head on his chest, and his arm around her back.  He couldn't tell if she was watching the movie, but the smile on her face told him that she was happy nonetheless.

Once the movie had finished, the girls and Thermite were fast asleep.  IQ was passed out on top of Blade, Ash lay with her head on Thermite's shoulder, who had his own head on hers.  Caveira slept without a sound, arms folded, looking ready to snap awake and pounce on a moment's notice.  Bandit was still awake, running his hand through Valkyrie's hair, who was asleep against him.

"I take it this is becoming a sleepover"  Blade whispered to Bandit, who chuckled.

"Guess so.  Gonna be hard getting everyone up"  he noted, yawning.

"Well, make yourself comfortable then"  Blade smiled, leaning back on the couch, throwing his arm around IQ.  Bandit nodded, keeping his arm around Valkyrie, and they both fell asleep rather quickly.

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