Patrick Stump

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(Patrick's POV)

I walked into the school, knees shaking. I'm suddenly crowded by hormonal teenaged students and my anxiety kicks in.
Damnit Patrick why did you wear this? No one is going to like you. Your going to get lost. Your a loser why would anyone be your friend.

The bell sounds and I head for my first class. Twenty other kids sit in assigned seats while I sit in front nervously scanning the classroom.

"Patrick Stump," my teacher greats me as he walks into the room. "Pleasure to have you here young man. Please, sit wherever. Class, this is Patrick Stump. He is new here so I expect you give him your biggest welcome." All of the sudden a crumpled paper plane hits me in the face and giggles are exchanged throughout the class. I feel a hot sensation from my eyes and run to the back of the class all the while papers are being thrown at me.

I take a seat next to a boy in the back of the room whose banging his pencil on the desk like he's playing the drums. "Hey, I'm Andy" the boy says. As he reaches his arm out to pat me on the back, I realize he is covered in tattoos. He has mid length brownish red hair and a smile that honestly seems genuine.

"I'm Patrick" I reply.

"First day sucks. You'll get used to it though." He returns to tapping his pencils and I grab my notebook.

Your fine Patrick. Just, just write. Okay write about someone in the class. Just do it.

I scan around the class looking for someone interesting to inspire me in some way. As I scan the faces of perverted teens I catch eye contact with one boy. His brown eyes lock mine and he quickly looks away, pulling his jacket hoodie over his black hair and continuing a conversation with a group of boys.

Who is that?

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now