Joe is an Idiot

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(Patrick's POV)

I walked out of the class with Andy only to find out I had only two classes with him. "You'll be fine Pat." He tousled my hair. "Hey, you know you'll make more friends. You can sit with me and Joe at lunch. You'll be fine" he walked away towards his next class.

Alright Patrick. Now, where is room 207?

I made my way through the crowds once again. By lunch, I was beat. Too much physics and geometry. I was never good at academics. I went through the lunch line and entered the room of millions of teens. Or so it seemed. I started to panic again just before I saw Andy's hand wave towards me. I walked up to the table and sat down, happy to belong somewhere, anywhere.

"So, how was the first part of hell?" Andy asked.

"Fine I guess." I chomped on the small sandwich.

"Yo who are you?" A boy with frizzy brown hair said. He sat next to Andy and set his lunch down with a thump.

"This is Patrick Stump. He's new here." Andy gestured towards me. "This is Joe. He's an idiot."

"Patrick Stump huh?" He slurped his milk. "That sounds like a celebrity name."

"Thanks." I shyly answered.

"So, any girls you interested in yet?" Joe asked eager for the answer.

"Uh, um.." Now andy was intrigued by what my answer was going to be, "well, I don't exactly like um.... Girls."

"Oh. Dude that's cool. I'm not homophobic or anything. So let me redirect my question. Any guys you interested in yet?" Joe answered.

"Well there's one." Don't tell them idiot! "That one kid, um... I think his name is Peter or something."

"Pete wentz!!!" Andy said shocked. "He's friends with the assholes of the school. You don't want to hang out with them. They are jackasses." Joe nodded in agreement.

"Oh alright."

Pete Wentz.

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