Almost touching.

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(Pete's pov)

Oh my god he said yes! He said yes!

I stood at the exit of the school in shock, watching patrick run to the parking lot.

Damnit he's so adorable!

I couldn't breathe. Oh my god he said yes. I exited the school with a smile to myself.

Yes. Tomorrow is going to be a good day.

-- The Next Day --

Okay what do I wear!!!

It was 8 am and we had planned for coffee at 9. I had an hour.

Shower Pete. Shower.

I was frantically trying to gather my thoughts and what to say to him as I washed every inch of my body.

God I'm a complete mess.

I stepped out of the shower and dried off. I pulled a T-shirt over my head and a pair of tight, ripped skinny jeans over my legs. I examined myself in from of the mirror.

The scars. I reminded myself

I ran to the closet and put on one of my jackets. I ran my hands through my damp hair and decided I shouldn't try to look too desperate. I pulled on some old converse and grabbed my keys. I looked at the time. 8:45

Time to go.

-- In Patrick's driveway --

(Patrick's POV)

I was pulling a T-shirt over my head when I heard a knock on the door.


"Just a minute!" I screamed as I hurriedly finished getting dressed and ran down the stairs.


I ran back up the stairs, grabbed my wallet and looked back at myself through the mirror.


I opened the door and there he stood. I could sense he was nervous. He looked so damn cute in skinny jeans. He looked up and met my eyes, head still slightly down. He smile one of those smiles that make you melt into a heap on the ground.

"You ready?" He asked

"Yup." I said, still not fully trusting him. But I couldn't stay in a bad mood. He was just too cute.

Damnit Patrick. Keep alert. This still could be a trap.

I stepped out of my house and locked the door behind me.

"This is a nice house. Your parents must me rich or something" he stared up at the house. I looked at him. The way the sun hit the side of his face and how the slight breeze went through his hair made me want to write about him.

"Ya, you can say that." I replied walking down towards his car. I cautiously sat down in his car.

"Its not a trap. I swear." He seamed a little dissapointed that I didn't trust him.

"I know." I shook it off. He sighed and started the engine. We pulled out of the driveway and made our way to the coffee shop on Rosie street. The whole time we rode in silence.

Rosie's Corner Cafe was usually pretty empty. It was a cute little coffee shop that had the best coffee in town. They kept everything quiet by serving bad coffee to the people they didn't want there. If you got a good cup, you were welcomed. They knew me well here since I stop by everyday after school.

We took a seat in the corner, away from the windows.

"The usual Pat?" The waiter asked.

I nodded and she took Pete's order.

"I notice you write. What do you write?" He asked. I debated whether or not to tell him.

"Um ya. I write. Well not stories, but um.. songs." I replied shyly.

Idiot. You sound pathetic.

(Pete's POV)

I couldnt believe it. Songs? Oh my god.

"I write songs too!" I shared. He looked up from the table he was so interested in.

"Really?" I could see his eyes light up for a second, and he flashed the slightest bit of a smile I'd never seen before. And his smile.

Oh that smile.

But just as quick as it came, the moment was lost when patrick went looking to see if my friends were present.

"Patrick, its just me." I placed my hand on his and he looked at me. Those green eyes.

Oh those damn eyes.

I felt electricity build up between us. He seemed calmer after that. We talked and drank coffee for an hour. The whole time, my whole attention on him. He was perfect. Perfect in every way.

(Patrick's POV)

It had been an hour since we arrived at Rosas. I couldn't help it, but I was truly happy for that hour. Pete was an amazing guy. Not anything like his asshole friends. I couldn't stop smiling. He was perfect.

We were interrupted by my cell phone.

"Hey." I answered.

"What's up Pat? Alright now I have big news. Come over to my place in 15?" Andy said. It was more of a demand than a question.

"Ya um, ok. Bye." I hung up. "I'm sorry but I have to go." I started to get out of my seat.

"Why?" Pete asked sadly. I knew he didn't want me to leave. I didn't want to either.

"Um my mom, she wants me home. Something to do with... Something." I replied.

"Oh alright. Let me give you a ride." We walked out of the coffee shop and rode back to my house. Pete walked me up to my house.

"I had fun. Um.. Maybe we could do this again?" I said opening the door and turning to face Pete. He looked so sad that I was leaving. I just wanted to embrace him and lay with him all day.

"Ya um.." He leaned in for a kiss but then thought otherwise and went back. "Okay, cool um. Bye." He turned around and walked to his car. I shut the door and pressed my forehead on the door, listening to him drive away.

Does he like me? No, he couldn't. He's not gay. Or is he? God Pete you drive me insane.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now