Damn Boy

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Warning: more smut... Like the whole chapter... I'm sorry... I get carried away sometimes

(Petes POV)

We sat in the principals office, being chewed out. They caught us about to fuck in the bathroom. Well, quite a story. Patrick had his head bowed as I spaced off like usual.

I was infuriated. How could Brendon make pat question my love for him. How fucking dare he. How fucking dare. I was so mad. The moment the principle let us out of the office I hugged Patrick.

"Babe," he said smiling "I can't breathe."

"Oh.. Sorry" I said laughing as I let him go. Then I remembered my promise.

"Come on, "I said tugging at the sleeve of his cardigan. "Let's go."

"Huh?" He was confused. Instead of answering him I kissed him softly and he seemed to get the idea. We ran out to the car.

He pushed open the front door and I grabbed him, wanting to make this up to him. I shut the door with the back of my foot and pushed him lightly into the wall as I hungrily kissed him. He brought his hands into my hair and I wrapped my arms around his waist. I could taste the lip balm on his lips and his tongue found its way to my mouth. Now our breaths became seized, short, and unneeded. I pulled apart and nibbled on his neck as he strained it at the pleasure. I could feel my pants tighten.

"Jump" I whispered into his ear, nibbling on it. He did and I grabbed him. His legs wrapped around me as I carried him up the stairs, still kissing him deeply. I slammed open his door and set him down. He grabbed at my shirt and tore a hole down the middle of it.

Damn boy

He smiled and I laughed against his lips as the fabric ripped. I pulled of his cardigan and shirt just as visously, only not actually shredding it like he did to mine. I pulled him in close, hungry for his mouth. Our lips moved in a beat, almost like a dance as he brought a hand up into my hair, pulling me in even more. He seemed to be enjoying this greatly. He pulled on my belt over and over again until he could rip it out of the loops. We breathed loudly and very scarcely as I didn't want this moment to end.

I pulled his belt off and then his jeans. I backed him up hurriedly knowing that he wanted to have some fun. I practically threw him onto the bed, attacking his jaw, neck, and stomach with small kissed. He bit his lips and threw my boxers to the side. He grabbed at the side drawer as we kissed intimately and almost animal like. I felt as if I was in heaven. He pulled the condom over my throbbing hard on and I took off his boxers, ready to enter him. I was about to when he jerked away and grabbed my wrists, pinning me down on the blankets.

I was a in shock. Did he really...

He answered my question my kissing me hard. So hard I was convinced that my lips would bruise.

"My turn." He whispered into my ear and he bit my neck. I moaned at the pleasure. Then, out of no where, he began to be the dominant one. He set himself on top of me as he pushed me into him all at once. He moaned loudly as he began to bob himself over me. I bucking my hips into him as I grabbed his waist. He moaned and yelled my name as he went up and down. I grasped his hips, feeling my body fill with pleasure. He grabbed my wrists and pinned me back down as he kissed me, still bobbing. The kiss was shaky and uneven but in the right way.

I moaned deeply as he bobbed and he moaned even louder. He then took both my wrists in one hand and smacked my ass with the other, sending me wild. I gathered my strength and flipped him over, thrusting into him. His moans filled my ear as each of ours were set in harmony. He bucking his hips into mine eagerly and I grabbed his hard on, caressing it viscously. He moaned out in pleasure and I moaned with him.

He pulled me into him by the hips, leading me into his sweet spot with each thrust made. His sweet moans filled my ears as they were mixed with the hushed, uneven breaths of my name.

"Patrick.." I barely make it out before I came inside of him. He came onto my hand and we both took a deep breath as I lay beside him. We laid there for a minute, both attempting to catch our breaths. I sat up and kissed him slowly.

"Pete, I love you so fucking much" he breathed out.

"Patrick I love you so fucking much too." I kissed him again. "Patrick.." I said looking deeply in those eyes of his.

"Hmm?" He said looking back into mine intentively.

"Your a freak in the sheets." He smiled up at me.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now