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(Pete's POV)

I pulled up Patrick's driveway right on time. My heart starts to beat faster with every step closer to the door. I approach the door and place my knuckle on the door.

Knock Pete knock.

I tapped my fist on the door two times and was answered by a smiling Patrick. He looked so cute.

"Are you ready?" I said pulling him into a kiss.

"Hell yeah!" He said giddily. He was excited and I was too. We walked to my car and I opened the door for him.

"For sir Patrick Vaughn Stump" I said bowing. He giggled

"Why thank you Peter Lewis Wentz Kingston the third" he said smiling as he hopped in the car. I gently shut the car door and ran to the drivers side. I jumped in and started the car. I turned around to back out when Patrick grabbed my hand. He slowly intertwined his fingers between mine staring at them. I turned and looked as he examined my hand. He ran his thumbs in circles over my hand.

"I love..." Patrick started.

Omg he is gonna say he loved me. I love him too!!

"Your hands!. Your hands... Um... They are soft." He corrected. I felt myself get a little dissapointed. I took my hand off of the steering wheel and cupped his face, bringing him into a passionate kiss. I kissed him deeply and he returned the intimacy. Our hands were still intertwined as we pulled apart and I continued to pull out of the driveway.

We pulled up to the restaurant at about 7:30. I jumped out of the car and raced to the passengers seat and opened the door. He looked up at the building.

"Wow Pete! This is really fancy!"

"Well don't get too comfortable. We won't be here long." He gave me a quizzical look. "You'll see" I said smiling.

We walked in the door and up to the stand thingy.

"Pick up for Wentz?" I said friendly.

"Pick up?" Patrick asked pulling on my arm. I ignored him.

"Ah! Yes right here! I will be right back" the waitress said rushing into the kitchen.

"Pick up? Pete what's going on?" Patrick pulled me aside.

"You'll see."

"Is this a trick?" He said suddenly kind of scared.

"No babe!" I said grabbing his hand. "Its a surprise."

"Fine." He said.

"Here you are! Have a nice day!" The waitress said handing me a bag.

"You too" I said flashing her a smile. We walked back to the car and I once again opened the door for patrick. I set the food in the back seat and pulled out.

"Seriously Pete, where are we going?"

"You'll see!!" I said giddy. I wanted this to be perfect. About 10 minutes later we pulled into a vancant parking lot. Perfect, no one was here.

"The beach?" Patrick said quizzically.

"Just follow me." I said getting out of the car and pulling the trunk open. I pulled out a basket and candles and shut the trunk. We walked towards the beach until I lured him a different path.

"Pete where are we going!?" He sounded a bit excited.

"My secret place." I said pulling his hand towards me. I stopped and pulled him into a kiss and rested my forehead on his. "Trust me trick." I smiled.

"Trick?" He asked

"Ya. I thought it would be a cute nickname for you." I returned walking until we reached it. There was a small cliff that hung over the sea that made people believe it was the end. I rolled up the hem of my pants.

"Where are you going?" Patrick asked. Wow that boy asked a lot of questions.

"Come on, trust me." I said grabbing his hand again. We made our way out into the cold sea just enough to get around the small cliff edge. Behind the bed the cliff opened up to a small cave. I heard Patrick gasp a bit and I smiled to myself. We made out way into the cave just deep enough for the water not to reach our feet. The cave was bright since the sun hadn't fully set. But it was about to.

"Wow! Pete this is gorgeous. I never knew it was here."

"Sometimes you just got to look beyond the looks." I say gently setting down the quilt onto the sand. I took out the candles and set them around the small cave. I stoke the match and lit each candle.

"Pete this is absolutely gorgeous" he said sitting down on the blanket. He came up and wrapped me in a deep hug. I hugged back then pulled away.

"Food?" I asked pulling out the contents from the bag. Inside was two sandwiches, about the cheepest items on the menu, but I wasn't going to tell patrick that. "I hope you like sandwiches"

"Of course I do!" Patrick replied grabbing the sandwich out of my hand. I also reached down and grabbed a bottle of coke.

"Not the most sophisticated drink on our first date but I figured no booze yet" I smile filling two glasses.

"Its absolutely perfect" Patrick said sitting next to me as he leaned his head on my shoulder.

We ate in silence was the sun set. After eating our sandwiches we lied in the small cave. We talked for hours it seemed until it was completely dark and the only light was the dim candles. We were cut short when our feet started to feel the brisk sea. We packed up the things and made our way to the car in darkness, holding hands the whole way.

We pulled up to the driveway and I suddenly got horribly sad. I opened the door for him and walked him up to the house.

"That was fun." Patrick said holding both my hands in front of the door.

"Patrick I need to ask you something" I said, nerves rushing through my body.

"What is it?" Patrick said looking up at me with quizzical eyes.

"Do you mind if... You know.... We kept this... Kind of... Like... Exclusive?" I stuttered out. As soon as I said it I felt the hurt in Patrick's eye. But he brushed it off and smiled.

"Ya sure." He said trying to cover up his obvious sadness

"I'm sorry. Its just that.." I started

"No I understand. Its okay. Just as long as I'm with you." He cut me off. I smiled at him.

"I really am sorry patrick" I said once more before he cut me off with his lips upon mine. He slowly glided his hands up into my hair and moved his lips in joy. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him in, not wanting any more space between us. We pulled apart and I set my forehead against his with my eyes closed.

"Pete?" Patrick whispered.


"Don't leave me."

"Never" I whisper into his ear biting it slightly.

"Ok" whispered back through a smile.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now