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(Pete's POV)

I jumped out of Patrick's car filled with anger.

How dare he! That assholes gonna pay!

I could feel my cheeks get hot and my fist tighten. I was full of rage. I made my way across the parking lot all the way to Brendon's car.

"Yo! What's up Pete?"

"Don't 'what's us Pete' me you jackass." I said with so much anger I could've probably set the world on fire.

"Wow... What did you call me?" He said startled.

"You heard me!"

"What to fuck did I do to you bro?" He asked his anger filling up.

"You beat up my boyfriend!" I said not thinking straight.

Did I just admit to being gay?

"Wow what did you just say? Boyfriend?" He was startled and confused.

"You heard me!" I said. My head was still fuzzy and I had no control over my words anymore.

"Your a fag?" He asked. He didn't seem to be too angry.

"I'm not a fag!" I yelled, fists still clenched.

"Bro, I had no idea. Sorry" he said backing up. What? He wasn't gonna beat me up?

"Aren't you gonna beat me up like you did Patrick?" I egged him on wanting to punch him for what he did.

"No dude. We are friends. Tell Patrick I'm sorry." He got into his car. And like that it was all over. Done.

I finally unclenched my fists finally and took a deep breath.


I had to go make things right.

I drove way past the speed limit and made it to Patrick's before him. I ran to the door and knocked. No answer.

Guess I'll just wait.

I sat down on the steps and waited for 5 minutes before Patrick's car drove into the driveway. I stood up and ran to his car.

"Pete what are you doing here?" He said getting out of the car.

"Patrick I know that you don't want to be a secret so I told Brendon."

"You told Brendon!" He said concerned.

"He said sorry." I said taking both of his hands. "Everything's going to be okay. We aren't a secret anymore."

He smiled that wonderful smile again and I couldn't resist. I pulled him in and kissed his soft lips gently. He kisses back and brought his hands up to my hair. I let my fingertips run down the curve of his back and let them rest on his ass. He had the cutest ass. And he was all mine.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now