Please, Im sorry

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(Petes POV)

I sped through the streets.

Shit shit shit. Oh fuck

I knew he would never forgive me. I stopped at a stoplight.

Fuck you Brendon!!

I hit my head against the steering wheel. Why did he have to kiss me!? And why right when Patrick walked out. The look on his eyes was complete hurt and I just wanted to run after him but I had to finish Brendon first. After laying a punch on him, I ran after Patrick, but he was already in his car. He almost ran me over. But I understood why. If I would've seen Patrick making out with a guy who said he liked him I would've died. The light turned green and I continued to speed down the streets until I made it to the house. I jumped out, not even turning off the engine. Out of nowhere, I tripped on a bunch of suitcases and clothing. They were all mine. I ran to the door and pounded so hard my knuckles turned white with each hit.

"PATRICK! PATRICK PLEASE OPEN UP! IM SORRY! PLEASE LET ME EXPLAIN!" I was desperate and was crying. I was a mess. I had lost him and I felt completely guilty. He didn't answer and I sank to my knees, covering my eyes with my hands and balling my eyes out.

"Patrick please! I just want to talk to you!" I felt the hole in my heart and I knew I just fucked up. WHY? That was all I could think. My head was confused and in dismay.

I shakily stood up and hit the door again. My knuckles started to bleed.

"PATRICK PLEASE, IM SO SORRY!" I put my head against the door and I could hear Patricks muffled crying against the door. "Patrick.." I whispered and sat down with my head and back against the door. This way, I could hear he was still there. I could hear the muffled cry and I was crying hard. I had hurt him. I had done this to him. I hurt the one that I loved. I didn't deserve to be happy. I loved him and he trusted me and I kissed another guy. My body was shaking violently.

"Patrick.. please... let me explain" I kept muttering as I sobbed on the front steps. I could hear him breath against the door. I wanted to hold him. I wanted to kiss him, to tell him I was sorry. I heard a shuffle behind the door and then no more breathing.


Was he having another attack? I started to flip. My heart sped up and I went in a state of emergency. I ran to the back. I pulled at the kitchen window knowing it would be unlocked. Why hadn't I thought of this earlier. I slipped it open and practically fell through the window. I hit my elbow on the oven and it stung like shit. I tried to move it, but it was no use. It was definitely broken. I pushed the excrutiating pain aside. I stumbled to the front door. Sure enough, Patrick was not there.

I ran up the stairs as fast I could. "PATRICK!" I yelled repeatedly. I ran into the bedroom to see it in disarray. There was a loud thump that came through the bathroom door and I rushed to it, pounding it hard.

"PATRICK! PATRICK ARE YOU OKAY! OPEN UP!" no answer. I pushed my body against the door. It didn't budge. I hit it again, receiving pain unbearable from my arm. I hit it over and over until it finally broke open. There lay Patrick, covered in a pool of his own blood. Fear wiped over me. I rushed to him and held him in my one good hand. "PATRICK!' I yelled. "Patrick" I stroked his hair and fumbled for my phone in my pocket.


Of course I would leave it in the car. I panicked. Here lie my boyfriend, covered in blood because of what I had done. I ran down the stairs, tripping and skipping most of them and flew out of the door. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911 as I ran back up the stairs to Patrick. I was numb to the pain now that the adrenaline had kicked in. I ran and held Patrick until my world went into a black abyss.

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