Too many bad days

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(Patricks POV)

I knew Pete was afraid to be seen with me at school, and I knew if I was seen with him he would get beat up too. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell. I couldn't blame him. I didn't want him to get beat up. But I also wanted to be with him every second of every day.

The next week was dreadful. Not only did Pete completely ignore me, but the beatings got worse. I was at my locker getting my things for music when I felt a sudden jab in the back. The cold metal meet my face and my vision blurred.

"Faggot!" I heard a familiar voice say. It was Brendon. I fell to the ground and he hit me hard in the gut. I felt like puking but then was overcome with a pain in my jaw as he punched me over and over again until the bell rang. I stumbled my way to the bathroom clenching my gut in pain.

Oh my god

My face was covered in bruises and blood stained my shirt. I lifted up my shirt only to be welcomed with a huge purple bruise.

Well shit

I quickly tried to clean up my face, wincing at each touch. I traded my shirt for the one in my backpack ment for gym. I took one final look in the mirror. I still had several bruises and there was no way to cover that. I walked into music with my head down as far as humanly possible. I could feel Pete, Andy, and joes eyes on me. I avoided any contact til the end of the day.

I reached my car and jumped in, wiping tears from my swollen eyes. I turned the key when I heard a knock on the passenger seat window. I looked up to see Pete motioning to unlock the door. I reluctantly opened the door and turned away so he couldn't see my face.

"Patrick?" Pete asked. "Patrick!" He raised his voice. I kept my stare out the window ignoring him.

"Patrick LOOK AT ME RIGHT NOW!" He said now with a hint of anger. I reluctantly turned my head around. I could see hurt and sadness in Pete's face.

"Oh my god patrick..." He started lifting his hands to touch my face.

"Save it" I said turning the opposite way.

"Patrick why are you so angry?" He said confused.

"Oh in case you didn't know I just got beat up and you ignored me all day so ya I'm a little angry." I said turning back to him.

"I thought we agreed to be you know... Exclusive?" He said

"Ya well whatever." I said turning back around. I didn't want to see his face.

"Who did this too you?" I didn't answer. "Patrick who did this to you!"

"Brendon" I said under my breath. I heard him squirm and get out of the car, closing the door loudly.

"Fuck me" I said starting to cry. Why couldn't I just be okay with being exclusive. Why did I have to be so clingy!?

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