Monday blues

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(Petes POV)

It was officially Monday. And the stupid alarm clock reminded me. God why cant we just never go to school. I stretched out on the bed as Patrick lay next to me groaning.

"Come on babe" I said kissing him. He squirmed and gave me a pout. I only kissed him again.

"Cant we just lay here forever?" He asked flopping back over.

"I wish, but come on we have to go."

"Ugggggg" He moaned and I kissed his neck.

"Come on babe" I said getting up. "Ill make coffee" I said as I ran down stairs. I put on the coffee and sure enough, Patrick came stumbling down. He didn't have his glasses on and his hair had a bad case of bed hair. He looked even hotter just waking up. He grabbed a mug from the cupboard and filled his cup with the warm liquid. He gulped it down fast.

"Im going to go change." I ran upstairs and changed into black skinny jeans and a jacket. Patrick came prancing in and grabbed me by the collar, spinning me around. I was caught by surprise when he pressed his lips fiercely against mine. I slowly kissed him back but he kissed hungrily. "Patrick.." I said pulling apart for air. Patrick just pulled my face in again and kissed me, letting his hands move down to my pants.

"Pat.." I looked at him. He had desire and lust gleaming from his eyes. He reconnected his lips. He was undoing my belt.

"Just fuck me" He whispered against my lips. I had never known him to be so dominant. It was a epic turn on. But I knew we had to get to school.

"Pat.." I pulled apart and he tried to go in for another. "Pat, as much as this turns me on and as much as I want to fuck you right now, we have to go to school. We are going to be late as it is." He looked disappointed. It killed me.

"I promise ill make it up to you tonight." I said. A glimmer of hope lit up in his eyes.

"Promise?" He intertwined our hands together.

"Promise." I kissed his lips again and he sighed, walking over to get dressed.

Great, now I have an epic boner.

I sighed and tried my best to hide it as I went downstairs to grab my backpack.

"Okay, lets get this day over with." He came striding down the stairs with his hair combed, fedora propped on his head, and a cardigan over a white shirt. I kissed him as he reached the bottom of the steps.

The rest of the day seemed to drag on. I had only a couple classes with Patrick so I had to wait until lunch to see him. Brendon and I were talking about music when Patrick approached the table. I looked at him, he seemed sad. I placed a hand on his .

"You okay pat?" I asked looking him in the eye.

He glanced at Brendon with a slight look of hatred. "Yeah.. yeah Im fine." He said avoiding eye contact. I kept my hand on his and knew something was wrong but I didn't push him further. I could ask him later.

Brendons POV

(changing things up)

God I hope Patrick doesn't try anything.

I had told Patrick earlier about how I liked Pete. He wasn't too happy about it. But I was determined to make Pete mine. See, nobody knows but im bisexual. Ive had a crush on Pete since befriending him on the first day of high school. I told Patrick I would stop at nothing to have Pete. I loved him. And him having a boyfriend wasn't all too good for me.

When Pete put his hand on his a small light of burning anger lit inside of me. Jealousy was also present. Why wasn't that me? God I was so angry. Patrick didn't deserve him.

We headed to 6th period and I just wanted to kiss Pete.

"Hey, do you know why Patrick was acting so weird at lunch?" He asked as we walked.

"Nope." Of course he would bring him up.

"Are you sure because he seemed to glare at you."

"No idea." Could he just stop talking about him for a damn second.

"Well, Ill see you later." He said heading to music as I headed to geometry.

Fuck you Patrick.

Patricks POV

I could punch Brendon. If he tried to make a move on my man. Ugggghh. I would kill him. I wanted to cry. He would stop at nothing? Bullshit. But then I started to think. Which thinking is always bad but I did it anyway. What if Brendon did make a move? Would Pete fall for him? Did Pete really love me? What if he leaves me? All this thinking was giving me a headache.

I walked into music and saw pete already there talking to Andy and Joe. I was going to talk to him but Mr. Burks walked in.

"Alright class! Take your seats." I walked to my seat and I could feel Pete looking at me. About 10 minutes later I excused myself to use the bathroom in hopes that Pete would follow. I walked out of the class and looked at Pete through the glass. I motioned for him to follow. I leaned against the sink in the bathroom. No one was in here. Good.

A few seconds later Pete came in.

"Whats wrong Pat?" He asked grabbing my hand. I looked down.

"Would you ever cheat on me?" I asked as I prepared myself for his answer.

"NO! Never! Why?" He asked bending down to see my face. I looked at him.

"Do you love me?" I was afraid of his answer. Part of me said he did but other said he didn't.

"Patrick! Of course I love you! Why are you asking me this?" He looked disappointed that I had questioned his love for me.

"Brendon said he.... he liked you." I could feel my eyes start to fill with water.

"What?" He questioned.

"Brendon likes you and he said he would stop at nothing to get you." Now I was crying. Pete brought his hand up and wiped away my tears and he pulled my face up so I was looking him in the eyes.

"Patrick I love you so much. I would never ever cheat on you." He said reassuring. He looked me in the eyes and I knew he would never hurt me.

"I love you too." I said. He kissed my passionately and our tongues danced in each others mouths. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my fingers tangle into his hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in. Our kisses soon became desperate. He picked me up and gently set me down on the sink, pulling my shirt off. I undid his belt viscously. He did the same with me and soon we were both in our boxers.

Just as we were about to take them off, Mr. Burks walked in.

"Pete! Patrick!" He was furious. I guess he wasn't very pleased to walk into the bathroom to find two of his students in their boxers making out on the sink. We pulled apart startled.

"Principals office NOW!" He motioned to the exit and we got our clothes on.

Well Shit.

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