This is Hell

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-- Time lapse: One month--

(Patrick's pov)

Its been a month since I started attending hell. And by Hell, I mean Hell. Everyday is hell. About a week after my first day, word got out about me being gay. And from then on started the torture. And by now, I've lost track of how many lockers I've been stuffed in, how many names I've been called, and worse, how many cuts line my body.

Andy and Joe always stood up for me though. Andy was a good bodyguard because of all the tattoos he had lined up and down his body. Joe was an alright guy. Very down to earth. I also learned within my month that Andy is an amazing drummer and joe can play the guitar.

Throughout this whole hell experience I've felt like someone's been watching me. Not creepily, but just staring, observing.

Your just paranoid patrick.

As for that one kid, Pete, I still like him. I don't know but just his overall appearance is just compelling. I want to talk to him but I know I'd mess it up. Plus, his friends are kind of the people who started this whole thing.

The only good part about school is music. I luckily have it with Joe and Andy. Oh and Pete. Pete sits in the back of the class most the time and I guess he plays the bass. I'm the only singer in our class so that means I get most of the attention. Its okay. I guess.

Someone is staring at me. I can feel it. Who is it?

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