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(Petes POV)

I was a bit shocked to hear about Trohman and Hurley. I guess it makes sense though. The conversation with Andy has really been bugging me.

I walked out of the store and was ready to get home. I knew Patrick must be lonely and I didn't want to be anywhere else but his arms. I got to the house and Patrick was laying on the couch watching a movie.

The minute I opened the door he sprang up and ran to me.

"PETE!!" he jumped up and hugged me making me have to catch him. I grunted yet smiled.

"Hey babe" I said setting him down and kissing him long. He pulled apart and laid his head into my chest.

"I cleaned" he said as he led me to the kitchen. "I also cooked. I used the box instructions so it shouldn't be toxic this time."

I laughed "Thank you."

"Are you okay?" He asked handing me a plate of Mac and cheese.

"Yeah why?" I asked. But it was a lie. I was not okay. I had questions and contradictions running through my head. Marriage. I was paranoid and I knew it.

"Well you seem a little... Off"

"Just tired." I ate hungrily at the food. I never knew how much I actually liked Mac and cheese since now. We ate and snuggled until I couldn't stand it. I had to get some air. I had to think.

"I'm gonna go for a walk" I told Patrick
He seemed specticle but let me go anyway. I stepped out of the house to a slight breeze. I took a deep breath and walked. No where in particular.

Did he want to marry me? Should I ask him? Do I want to get married? Is it too soon? Should I wait? I didn't know.

I kept walking and somehow I ended up downtown at the stores. My mind whirled. I suddenly stopped when a bright light hit me. I turned and there was a display case.

I knew what I was going to do.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now