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Time Lapse- Like 5 months? I don't really know anymore. All I know is that they've been together for a year.

(Patrick's POV)

One week. One week til the end of senior year. I would finally be out of hell and be cast in the real world. Our band Fall Out Boy has been pretty busy with gigs. Therefore I had no desire to go to college. Why would I want to do more schooling?

It was Monday and as usual, I was in a bad mood. The only thing that made me happy was Pete. We celebrated our year together a week ago. It was the happiest day of my life. He took me back to our little cave and it was strung with candles, battery fairy lights, and pictures of us together. It was romantic and exclusive. We still hadn't talked to Pete or my parents. They were both homophobic so it didn't matter much.

The week dragged on endlessly with finals and college lectures in which I just slept through. It was finally Friday. We didn't have to go to the school until 10 which was nice since I spent half of my life waking up at 7 in the morning.

I woke up to a smiling Pete.

"You sleep forever you do know that?" He had damp hair and was already about ready for the day. I stretched making dying whale noises and settling back into bed with no intention of actually getting up.

"Babe its already 9." And with that I was up. Pete laughed and I punched him lightly as I stumbled out of bed into the bathroom. Pete had already made a breakfast of omlets, his specialty. I slowly ate and Pete kissed me lightly.

"Good morning." He said smiling.

"Good morning. Can you believe we are graduating today!" I was excited but also a bit scared of what the world would be like.

"Im so ready." Pete said jumping up and down. I giggled. He was such a dork and such a toddler.

"Calm down peter panda." I said finishing my breakfast and kissing him.

"What are we going to do with all the free time!" He held his arms out wide emphasizing the word 'free'.

"I can think of a couple things." I smirked and he slapped my butt.

"Well I look forward." He bit his lips and I rushed out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I settled on skinny jeans and a white t-shirt to wear under the hideous gown. It made me look extra fat.

I fixed my cap which was nothing like my fedora and honestly annoyed me. Pete walked in with his robe on and he looked like the pope.

"Ready?" He said wrapping his hands around my waist. It was a bit disturbing because it felt like I was being molested by the pope. Literally, he looked like the fucking pope.


We had planned to meet Joe, Andy, Ryan, Josh, Tyler, Gerard, Mikey, Frank and Brendon at taco bell beforehand. Yes, we are still friends with Brendon. We got it all cleared up and even though its still awkward for us sometimes, we get through it. Plus, he got a boyfriend who transferred later. Ryan. They seemed happy. But me and Pete were still the cutest couple out there. We arrived at taco bell to see Joe scarfing down a taco and Andy watching him and laughing. We sat at the booth.

"Hey idiots." Pete said putting an arm over my shoulder. I snuggled in.

"I just bet Joe he cant eat 5 tacos in 3 minutes. Hes got 3 down in 2." Andy watched the clock and Joe intensely. Joe nodded in agreement and continued to shove taco in his mouth. It was disturbing. Well unless you have one of those weird fetishes. I laughed. Our friends were so fucking weird.

Just then Gerard walked in with Mikey and they sat next to Andy. Gerard and Mikey were brothers. They were graduating together because Gerard failed multiple times and this year finally got to graduate. Three years to be precise. Mikey also skipped a grade in middle school for being 'smart' but we all knew he wasn't the brightest.

"Hey!" Gerard said as he sat down and was immediately disgusted with Joe and his weird eating.

"What the fuck are you doing Joe?" Mikey asked as he grabbed one of his tacos. Joe grabbed it back viscously and they ended up fighting for the taco.

"So... Um... Is Frank here?" Gerard asked nervously looking around and fixing his hair. We all knew he had a thing for Frank. It was cute to see him in such distress.

"Not yet." I said snuggled next to Pete.

Just then Josh and Tyler walked in. They both looked like they did not want to be here.

"Hey!" I said as they took a seat.

"Yo." Tyler said as Josh adjusted his hat. Josh and Tyler had been together for a while. Honestly I didn't know how they didn't get annoyed with eachother.

"Joe what the fuck." Josh said grabbing a taco. By this point Joe was mad at everyone taking his tacos.

"You don't give that back to me I loose $10." He said in between gagging on taco.

"Oh come on." He said throwing it back to him.

"If anyone takes my taco again im going to punch them.

"Do you want one?" Tyler asked grabbing Joshs hat.

"Nah." He said leaning back.

"Well im going to get a pop." He stood up but utterly failed and tripped over the chair leg, tumbling. We all burst out laughing.

"Hey look! MY OTP!" Andy yelled and Brendon and Ryan came walking in, holding hands.

"Shut up!" Brendon said grabbing a seat for him and Ryan.

"Oh look of how much of a gentleman he's become!" Andy yelled and Brendon punched him.

"Hey Ryan" I said politely. Ryan was cool. But it was a bit weird.

"hi." He said and let himself sink into the seat next to Brendon.

"Where's Frank!? We need to get going." Pete said looking at his watch. We looked a bit weird I sensed since we were in a restaurant and we were all in robes. And not to mention Pete still looked like the pope. Seriously, the pope.

"TIME!" Andy yelled and Joe stopped eating.

"Damn." He mumbled and pulled out a ten and passed in to Andy.

"This is going to my college fund." Andy said kissing the dollar.

"Bullshit we all know its going to buy you alcohol." Mikey said grabbing the ten while Andy grabbed it back.

"Frank!" Gerard yelled as frank entered.

"Whats up?" He said sitting down. Pete got up aruptively.

"Alright bitches lets go." We all stood up and walked to the school which was literally a block away. Joe looked sick and Andy was laughing. Mikey was hanging back with Ryan as Pete and Brendon were talking. Gerard and Frank were in some conversation I didn't want to be involved in. Tyler and Josh were fighting over Joshs hat. We walked into the building with all of our other peers. I was so glad I never had to see them again.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now