We can fix it

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(Petes POV)

I didn't want to be here. Away from Patricks bedside. But I honestly felt like shit. My arm hurt like hell, my head was pounding, and my skin had scars from the glass. I didn't even know I had broken the oven. I must've really fell. I was unable to sleep but felt exhausted. I wanted to sleep, but my mind wouldn't let me. I had to find away to get Patrick back. I loved him and of course, I ended up fucking up.

I finally fell asleep and didn't wake up for 3 days. I tried to blink away the headache but couldn't. This time, Patrick was at my bedside. He was in fresh, clean clothes and his fedora. He was so cute.

His eyes were red and puffy from crying I assumed. I reached my hand shakily towards him and he took it.

"Patrick..." I stuttered but he stopped me.

"Pete, you fucked up. Like really bad." I could see it was hard for him. I prepared myself for the worst. I felt tears come out of my eyes and I knew what he was going to say. He was going to say im an asshole and how he hated me.

"But Pete, I still love you." I was shocked. "I never stopped. And I believe in second chances to those who deserve it." He was crying a bit but I could see he meant it. I was overwhelmed with joy and you could hear the heart monitor speed up. I got dizzy again.

"Patrick, I didn't mean to. I was telling Brendon that he was an asshole and he kissed me. I didn't kiss back. You just ended up walking in on the wrong time. I punched him afterwords. I never wanted this to happen." I grabbed his wrist gently and he started to cry.

"I was so mad." He was sobbing and I realized I was too. He gave a pathetic laugh," I was going to kill you." I laughed a bit at that and then I tugged at him to lay in the bed with me. He climbed in and I hugged him tightly. He carelessly wrapped his arms around me and stuffed his tearful fave into my chest. We were both in tears. Patrick was so perfect. He was so kind, he was so nice. He was so forgiving. I loved him and I never wanted to let go. I didnt deserve such a man. But the doctor came in and made Patrick go home and get rest while I was stuck here in this stupid hospital bed.

Time lapse- 2 months

I was so tired. I just wanted to sleep. But that's not what Patrick had in mind. He jumped onto me as I was changing into pajamas and kissed my neck lightly. I had just gotten my cast off and had surgery. I was exhausted and wanted to sleep. But Patrick made it hard. He was on my shoulders, laughing.

"Patrick, come one, can we just sleep for one night. My arms numb" But he wouldn't give up that easy. He turned me around and pulled me into a deep kiss. I loved this man. He started feeling in my boxers and I pulled his hand out. He half frowned half smiled.

"Babe, come on, im so tired." he reluctantly gave up and jumped on the bed, motioning me to lay next to him.

"Fine, but im cuddling you all night!" I laughed at him. He was such a teddy bear. But the idea of being in Patricks arms all night excited me and I jumped into the bed. He laughed and I kissed him and settled in. Patrick put his arms around my torso and squeezed me. He Nuzzled his face into my neck and we laid there.

"I like this." I said kissing his nose and pulling the blanket up.

"I like this too." And with that he turned off the lights and we were in complete darkness. I slowly started to drift in his arms when suddenly, Patrick was on top of me.

"Babe" I said but was interrupted with his lips on mine. That sneaky bitch. I laughed because he was quite clever.

"You don't have to do any work." He whispered in my ear as he nipped at my neck. I moaned a bit. Yeah, I did like this. Patrick was the best. He pulled off my pants quickly, a skill he had mastered. He kissed my lips as he bobbed over my erection. His moans against my lips drove me wild. I was exhausted, but not tired enough to let Patrick down.

After we had finished, he layed back down on the bed and kissed me wildly sloppy. I laughed because he had practically licked my whole face.

"Dork" I muttered and I could hear him pout.

"Yeah but you love this dork." He tickled me and I broke into laughter.

"Yes I do." And I kissed him just as sloppily.

"Okay, now I know why." He laughed and I was so happy for this moment.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now