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(Patrick's POV)

I couldn't imagine it. Pete, the most loving, courageous, confident guy in the whole world. And he would hurt himself. My Pete.

We fell asleep snuggled close to each other. I couldn't sleep. My mind raced. At about 5 am I finally fell asleep.

I woke up to a still sleeping Pete. How did this boy sleep so long. I got up, realizing there was no use trying to go back to bed, and hopped into the shower. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist only to be greeted by Pete, sitting on the bed, staring at the door like he was waiting for me. He bit his lip seductively and made my stomach go wild.
"Hey babe" I said walking out of the bathroom.

"Hey sexy." He got up and ran his fingers through my wet hair as he kissed me. He pulled me in by the waist. Oh how he could make someone aroused. I felt an erection coming and tried my best to hide it. Pete noticed and smiled.

"Someone's having a good time." He said going back to the bed.

"Haha very funny" I said rushing to the dresser. I pulled out clothes to wear when I became aware that he was staring at me again. "Pete stop looking!"

"Why?" He said still sat staring at me.

"Because I'm getting dressed." I said grabbing the clothes.

"Soo?" He stood his place.

"I. Am. Getting. Dressed."

"I know" he smiled.

So agrivating sometimes.


"Fine!" He said covering his eyes with his hands. Ugggg. I turned around and let the towel drop. All of the sudden I felt two warm hands around my waist. I jumped and scream as I turned around to a pete.

"I said no looking!" I said self-conscious.

"Your beautiful Patrick. Why would you deprive me of seeing everything?" He said kissing my neck. I quickly pulled on boxers and a shirt faster than the eye could see.

"Pete. I'm not kidding. Let's just go eat OK?"
"Fiiiinnnneee" he whined letting go of me and following me out. We walked into the kitchen and grabbed bowls of cereal.

"I've got to go back to my house. My parents will be worried sick!" Pete said getting up from finishing his bowl.

"Nooooo!" I whined not wanting him to leave. I wanted to cuddle. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to hold him all day long. I grabbed for his hand and he held on.

"I have to pat. They'll be pissed." He let go of my hand and went over to the front door where his backpack lay. "I'll text you"

I walked to the front door to walk him out. "Okayyy" I said.

"I'll be back before you know it." He said taking my waist and kissing me. He gave me a small apologetic smile when we parted and left. I suddenly felt a void in my chest.

But it wasn't a regular void of heartbreak, but it was a feeling I hadn't had in a while. But why now, I wasn't in front of people. Why would I be having a anxiety attack this bad? My body went a feverish cold and I started racking with shakes. Why now? I started to sweat as I desperately tried to calm myself. Your at home patrick. Your fine. Calm down. But none of it worked. I continued to freak out and soon fell to the ground. I developed a headache and soon my vision blured.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now