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(Patrick's pov)

I woke up with a sleeping Pete on my chest. His head rose in beat with my breathing. It was truly blissful. I brought my hand in to his hair and slowly ran my fingers through the deep black locks. The blinds were closed so only a small ray of light shown onto the floor. It was the perfect moment. But like all perfect moments, I knew it couldn't last long.

Of course I was the one who ruined it.

Shit I have to pee

I slowly twisted and inched my way from under Pete. He stirred a bit but stayed asleep like an angel. I took a second to admire him as I stood up. Then I was interrupted with the unbearable pain on my bladder.


After relieving myself I walked out of the bathroom only to be greeted with an empty bed.


There was a loud noise downstairs and a small 'shit'. I immediately started panicking. I grabbed a bat from under my bed and slowly started down the stairs.

"Pete?" I said cautiously. "Pete is that you." I still firmly held the bat in my hand ready to swing. I walked into the kitchen only to see pans all over the floor. Along with pete, embarrassed.

"Um.... I wanted to make some sort of breakfast thing but you see um..." He looked around the room at the pots and pans. "Are you going to hit me with that?"

I realized I still held the bat, ready to swing. I set it down with a laugh.

"I thought you were an intruder." I explained. "Here let me help" I helped pete gather all the pans and pits from the ground back to their places accordingly. "Cereal?" I asked opening the cupboard and pulling out frosted flakes.

"Sure. I'll grab the bowls." Pete said, opening one cupboard after another to find the bowls.

"Top shelf, next to the fridge"

"Ya I knew that" he flashed me a smile and then headed to the cupboard and pulled out two bowls. I headed to the fridge and grabbed the milk. I closed the door only to be greeted with a smiling pete. "Good morning beautiful!" He said and stole a kiss.

"Good morning." We went into the dinning room and each made a bowl of cereal.

"So I was thinking we could just hang out today, or go somewhere is you want. Um I don't really care. You can leave if you want too," I stuttered. It was awkward for me because he was my first boyfriend and you know I was freaking out.

"We can hang out here. Whatever you want babe. But later tonight I'm taking you on a proper date." He said with a smile. He was so confident. How on earth did he do that?

I smiled so wide I swear It couldve wrapped around the world. A date. That would be amazing. A proper date. Pete must've noticed because he grabbed my hand and smiled back. We finished eating and put the bowls away. As I was washing them up, pete came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. I placed my head on his and finished washing.

(Pete's POV)

I really wanted to take Patrick on a date. I wanted to make it completely official. But I also wanted to ask him if we could make this thing exclusive. I was hopping he would be fine with it. For the rest of the day we sat on his couch, snuggled together under a blanket watching movies and talking.

"I was thinking I might have to go home and get ready for tonight since I don't have anything here."I said.

"Yeah, I mean I need to shower too so I don't stink."

"What do you mean? You smell like a million roses!"

"Really, we are discussing how I smell? You really know how to turn a guy on now do ya" he poked my nose and I leaned up to kiss him.

"Well, I better go get ready. I'll pick you up in a hour." I got up and stretched. I really didn't want to leave but I had to. I needed new clothes.

"An hour?" He said, pulling me into a hug. "How about half an hour?"

"Forty five minutes?" I said at the pouting patrick.

"Fine." He said. I leaned down and deeply kissed him, pulling him in closer. Our mouths melted into one until we were both out of breath.

"I'll be back before you can say my name." I whispered to him.

"Pete." He replied with a smile.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now