Love? No not love yet.

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(Pete's POV)

I can't get him off my mind. For a month now I've been sneaking stares at him. I'm not sure how long I can take it. I just want to talk to him, to kiss him. I think I've finally figured out this feeling.


No, I don't even know him. Not love yet. In the middle. Maybe just a crush. The thing is, I can't talk to him after what my friends did to him. And my friends don't exactly know about me being gay. They think I'm straight. But no, I'm not.

Today though, today is the day.

Just talk to him idiot. You just have to say hi and strike up a conversation. Go give him a high five. Ya, a high five. Very friendly gesture.

That was my plan. I start walking to my next class when I see him.

Alright, now, do it now.

"Hey!" I say and he looks up. I lift my arm to give him a high five and he braces himself.

Oh my god, he thinks I'm going to hit him!

He ducks and runs away down the hallway.

Damnit Pete!! You just ruined everything!

I run to the bathroom and lock the bathroom stall. I pull my razor blade out of my back pocket and add to the painting on my wrists. The sharp blade leaves a burning sensation as I bring it across my skin. I continue to roll up my sleeve and place lines back and forth. Once I'm done, my wrists barely have any skin.

Damn, damn damn. You have you make it up to him.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now