I truly do love you

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(These titles have nothing to do with the actual chapter...)

(Pete's POV)

Its been a month since I moved in. And honestly, it's been the best month of my life. Every night I get to lay and cuddle my man. Plus, school is nice since we kind of 'came out' to everyone. Brendon has been really cool and we've been hanging out all lot. He's really cool and likes to sing.

I walked out of school with Patrick under my shoulder.

"So, do you wanna do something tonight?" Patrick asked.

"Brendon wanted to hang out again." A look of disappointment spread across his face. "But I can cancel if you want." I quickly added.

"No. Its alright" he said obviously annoyed.

"What's wrong?" I turned myself so I was standing in front of him.

"Its just... No it's stupid." He said looking down.

"No. Tell me"

"Its just you've been hanging out like... A lot and well... We don't hang out anymore..."

"That's it. I'm canceling. Tonights just gonna be you and me okay?" I said lifting his chin so he could be eye to eye with me. A smile widened across his face. I took his chin and brought it up to mine as I kissed him slowly. Some kids yelled 'fags' and I just flipped them off, not caring. We walked to the car and the minute I turned on the engine Patrick turned on the music and started singing.

"Patty I love your voice" I said smiling. His voice sounded like heaven. That was why he was lead singer in our band. All of the sudden patrick screeched the note purposefully making it sound bad. I laughed. "Your so weird."

"I'm not that weird!" He pouted.

"Oh yes you are. And I love it" he smiled to himself and continued singing.

We got home and I decided to divise a plan. I was gonna build a fort in the basement for our date night.

"Hey pat, can you go get some food, we only have ketchup and eggs!" I yelled opening the fridge.

"Awww.. Won't you come with me?" He said hugging me.

"I've got so much homework. Babe... Please.." I whined.

"Okay..." He said kissing me and grabbing his wallet. "Don't have too much fun without me!"

"I couldn't if I tried" he smiled and walked to the car, I heard the car start. Time to get to work.

I had just finished putting the last blanket up when I heard patrick open the door upstairs.

"Pete! Help me carry shit!" I ran up the stairs and he gave me a confused look. "Why were you downstairs?"

"Just listening to music" I said grabbing bags and helping him put all the food in their designated spots. After all that was done I gave him a kiss. "Here, put this on" I gave him a bandana to wrap around his eyes. He took it and gave me a very confused look. "Trust me" I smiled.

"Fine. But If I get hurt I'm going to kill you." He reluctantly put the bandanna around his eyes and secured the back. I took his arm and he grasped it desperately.

"Calm down" I said leading him to the stairs.

Shit stairs..

I hadn't thought this completely through. I held on to patrick and attempted to manuever him down the stairs. "Okay patty we are going downstairs so there are stairs"

"Pete, if we are going downstairs of course there will be stairs."

"Well I just wanted to warn you" eventually we managed to get him down the stairs safely and I slowly took the bandanna off. He gasped. I smiled.

The room was covered in blankets. Some hanging from the ceiling and draping behind the two couches. Pillows and blankets lay on the ground. Christmas lights that I had found in a box lined the walls. In the middle of the blankets on the ground lay a picnic basket I had prepared while he was gone.

"Pete..." He said clearly surprised and happy.

"Since its raining I thought we could make our own inside picnic" he turned around and hugged me tightly. Almost until I couldn't breathe.

"Oh pete its perfect!!" He said. "And inside is better than outside anyways!" He jumped into the pile of pillows and I laughed to myself.

Man I love this boy

He giggled and got cozy. I opened the picnic basket prepared with pizza.

"How did I know we were going to have pizza?" He said taking a piece.

"I have no idea!" I said taking two. He crawled from the opposite side and crawled into my lap. We ate the pizza and turned on the TV.

"Pete! There's a doctor who marathon!! WE HAVE TO WATCH IT!" he gave me his puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist.I let him flip the channel to the marathon.

About 3 hours later I looked down and saw Patrick asleep in my life. I smiled to myself and kissed his head and whispered in his ear.

"I truly do love you Patrick. Dont you ever think i dont" He stirred a bit but fell back to sleep. I don't think anyone can ever see just how much I love him.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now