First day surprises

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(Petes POV)


I didn't want to get up. But at the same time I wanted to get to my new job. It wouldn't be all that bad right? Id be with Andy.

I quickly turned off my alarm so that I wouldn't wake Patrick. I turned to face him only to be surprised by an empty bed. I sat up on my elbows to see if he was in the bathroom. Nope.

"Patrick?" I yelled as I walked down the stairs. There was a light streaming out of the kitchen. I walked in and there was Patrick. He was cooking something that didn't smell all to appealing and was only in boxers.

"Patrick?" I said louder this time and he turned around. He had a semi smile on his face. Like an apologetic smile. I could see smoke rising from the stove.

"I got up early to make you breakfast but... umm.." He turned around and saw the smoke. He instantly panicked and turned off the stove, waving a cloth in the air. "ShIT"

I came up behind him. He was such a mess. I loved him. I put my arms around him from behind and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Im sorry.. I cant cook."

"Its okay." I kissed his cheek and let him return to clearing the heavy smoke. I grabbed some cereal and milk and two bowls.

"im sorry." He kept apologizing.

"Its okay babe. Shhh. Eat." I handed him a bowl of cereal and he sat on the stool, tired.

"I just wanted to do something nice for you getting a job and all"

"Shhh" I said kissing him. I was just happy he was up. He usually was sleeping.

"Im going to miss you." He looked down and I picked his chin up.

"Ill be back before you can say my name." It was a thing we developed. I would say that and it return he would say

"Pete." He smiled. I loved his smile.

I drove up to the drugstore in the uniform they gave me. It was pretty much a long sleeve black button shirt, a nametag, and black pants. I had Patrick write my name in the nametag slot but at first he put Peter Panda. I had to make him put Pete in.

I walked through the doors. It was pretty quiet and I found myself lost in what to do. Just then Andy walked in.

"HEY!" He said hugging me and picking me up. He lifted weights on his free time so he picked me up easily.

"Hey." I said once he let me down.

"I get to teach you young one." He definitely thought he had complete control over me.

"Yes senpai." I said bowing. He smiled.

"Now, come on, much to do now." He patted me on the back.

Working at a drugstore, I found, was not hard. I basically had to check people out, not sexually, and help costumers. Wasn't hard. Within an hour I was already in the hang of it.

"So, Pete, I got us another gig tomorrow." Andy said as he waited for costumers in his lane.

"What time?" I asked.

"8." He was messing with the item devider.

"Damn. Guess im gonna have to cancel date night." I had plans but decided that a gig would be good for Patrick. He was really lonely lately. He wasn't as social as me.

Andy jumped on his counter. "Speaking of Patrick. When you going to tie the knot?"


"You know, when are you going to propose?" I hadn't even thought of it. I laughed.

"Dude isn't that a little trashy?"

"What? Proposing?"

"No I mean, getting married right out of high school. Plus I don't even know if Patrick will want to get married."

"What if he already thinks you want to propose?"

"YOU DIDNT TELL HIM THAT DID YOU?" I was panicked. I was always one to be afraid of commitment.

"Chill. No I didn't. But I still think you guys should get married"

"Eventually." I said. I loved Patrick. I loved him with everything. But I was too scared of rejection. And its only been a year. And we just graduated. And we needed money.

"How longs that going to be?" He inquired.

"Why are you so interested in this?"

"Well you two are like my 2nd OTP and I have a say in what happens and I say this love story needs a marriage."

"Your an idiot." I slapped my face. Andy was so weird.

"No, Joes an idiot."

"Then why are you dating him?" They weren't actually dating but it was fun to tease him.

"He told you!" That was not the answer I was expecting. I looked up in shock and confusion.

"Wait what?" I asked dropping everything I was doing.


"Shits right. Your telling me that you two are dating?"

"Umm... maybe" He had his hand on his temples.

"I thought he... you... both of you were straight?"

"I did too."


"Please don't tell." He said in distress.

"I wont. Im happy for you though. Are you happy?"

He smiled brightly to more himself than me. "Yeah. Yeah im really happy."

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now