Pete Wentz

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"Look at the new kid. Fatass."

I listened and gave out a fake laugh. Howcouldtheysaysomethingsomeantoapersontheydidn'tevenknow. Idiots. I would've told them off if it weren't for the fact they were my only friends. Well, the only people who didn't call me a 'emo fag'. Anyways if I was gonna stay somewhat protected in this hell hole, I had to hang out with these idiots.

This new kid, Patrick, well he was something. I just didn't know what. He looked a bit lonely as he walked into class but it seemed he had made friends with Andy Hurley. I couldn't stop staring at him. I needed to figure him out. It was hard. There was only this feeling. Feeling that I couldn't quite pinpoint about him. And it was compelling me towards him.

As class got out I ran towards the new boy. But I didn't make it. About half way towards the boy I wosed out. Idiot. Justgotalktohim.

But I couldn't find the courage. Instead I joined my friends and continued to engage in random conversation. All the while that boy was on my mind.

Whatisit? WhydoIfeellikeIneedtofigurehimout? He'sjustanotherguy. DamnitPete, getyourselftogether.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now