I didnt want you to leave

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(Pete's POV)

I was about three blocks away from Patrick's when I realized I left my phone on his nightstand.

Shit. I told pat I'd text him.

I took a sharp turn back to his house. I got out of the car and walked up to the door when I felt something was wrong. I opened there door when I saw him. Patrick was laying on the ground huddled together, knees to chest. He was sweating yet look scared as a mouse. I ran to him.

"Oh my god patrick!" I yelled touching his goosebumped skin. "Patrick!" He continued to shiver.

"Pat I'm taking you to the hospital." I hoisted him up to his feet and all the sudden his legs gave way. He fell and I screamed his name. "Patrick everything's gonna be alright see. The cars over there. Come on babe. You can do it" I encouraged his as I practically dragged him to the car. I buckled him into the seat and ran to the drivers side.

We arrived at the hospital in a matter of minutes thanks to my driving. "He won't stop shaking! Someone please help?" I yelled upon entering the doors.

"What's his name" one doctor said as a couple of nurses loaded him onto a stretcher.

"Patrick Stump" I said nervously watching him being dragged away. I started after him before the doctor stopped me.

"What is your relationship with the patient?" He asked skeptical.

"I'm... I'm his boyfriend."

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to stay out here. Only parents and/or a legal guardian is allowed to go in. We will notify you when you can come." He left me there running after patrick.


I took a seat but realized I was to uneasy to sit. I started to pace instead.

What had happened? Will he be okay?


What if he dies. What if he will be paralyzed?


What will I do?

"Peter wentz?" A tall blonde nurse came up to me.

"Yes!" I said eager to here news. How long had I been here? I looked at my watch. An half an hour had gone by since patrick was sent in.

"You are allowed to see patrick now." She smiled. "Follow me"

She led me down a set of corridors all the way to the end. I walked in to the bland room. Patrick lay in the bed hooked up to all sorts of iv things.

"I'll give you some time alone" said the nurse as she left. I sat over by patrick who was averting his eyes.

"Patty?" I said taking his hand. His temperature was back to normal. "Patty what happened?"

"I don't really want to talk about it " he said still avoiding eye contact.

I reached over and tilted his head toward mine. "You can tell me anything"

"Well... When... Before I came here, I had these violent anxiety attacks. But since I've moved here they haven't really been a huge problem. I guess I got one when you left."

"But why when I left?"

"I... I don't know"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to leave." He looked me in the eye. So much pain in those eyes.

"I would never. Its been two months. I love you patrick. You can trust me." I reached over and cupped his face bringing him into a intimate kiss.

"Peter Wentz!" I pulled apart.


(A/N: Sorry for all the cliff hangers?! Ik I'm a horrible person! But the next chapter has a bit of smut....)

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now