Try again

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(Patrick's POV)

I woke up in the morning with a slight dizzyness. I was naked, next to Pete who, I realized, was not laying by me. Instead he was downstairs, blaring music and singing along. I slowly and groggily got up to grab some clothes. I settled on a huge T-shirt and boxers because who wants to wear pants?

I stubbled down the stairs in a tired state. The music was hurting my eardrums.

"Pete!" I yelled as I entered to kitchen. Pete was in boxers, cooking what looked like omletes. "Pete! TURN IT DOWN!" I covered my ears.

He quickly ran to the radio and turned it to a whisper. "Sorry" he smiled resuming to cook the omletes. I walked over to the coffee machine and started it. I turned back around. Pete looked so hot in his boxers. You could see all of his tattoos. Oh those tattoos. What I would do to those tattoos. I'd make an honest woman of those. As I stood admiring my boyfriend, the coffee machine rang as if finished and I realized I now had a boner.


I poured it into a mug and drank. Pete stopped his work and walked over to me, kissing me lightly.

"Good morning beautiful!" He smiled. I smiled back.

"Good morning." He looked down and saw my boner.

"Someone wants to go for round two" he smirked and I punched him lightly. He smiled that brilliant smile of his. "I told you it would get better" he then walked back and resumed cooking. He was right. My ass didn't hurt almost at all. At least not like the first time. I shivered at the memory of the burning sensation.

"We have to go to school" I said solemnly.

"Nope." He said turning off the burner.

"Huh?" I said.

"I called in and said we were sick." He smirked and put the omletes on the plates. "Anyway, its already lunch time.". I looked at the clock. 12:30.

"Damn. I didn't know it was already twelve." He laughed.

"You sleep relentlessly." He brought me the plate with a perfect omlette laid on top. "I'm not very good at cooking, but I can make an omlt. I practically gulfed down the food. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. Now I know why everyone wants a sandwich after sex. You get hungry.

After inhaling the food, I cleaned up my mess and joined Pete on the couch. He looked a bit angry and I knew something was wrong.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" I asked sitting next to him and grabbing his hand. He had changed into a shirt and jeans while I wore pajama pants and the same huge T-shirt. He smiled but I knew it was fake.

"Nothing" he said and returning to his state of anger.

"Seriously." I pulled his chin so he was looking at me. "I know somethings bothering you. Tell me" I kissed him gently. He tried to cover it again.

"Nothing." I looked into his eyes, unconvinced. "Seriously."

"Tell me." I said. It was agravating. He couldn't tell me? I was his boyfriend. He should tell me everything.

"Its nothing ok" he was growing even angrier. I knew I shouldn't push him but I'm stubborn.

"If its nothing then tell me" I demanded.

"Its nothing!" He jumped off of the couch and started to pace slowly. I stood up as well.


Patrick if you just let it be then-

"YOUR SO AGRAVATING PATRICK!" I felt like he had stabbed me in the chest.

"Oh so your angry because I make you angry?"

"NO! ITS... YOU... Jesus Christ! You always have to know everything!"



You can stop this right now if you-

"OH IM SORRY MY NEEDINESS HAS GOTTEN YOU LAID TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW!" I couldn't believe he was saying this I felt tears come to my eyes but held them back.

"Patrick." He put his hand to his temple.n "I can't do this"

There it was. The arrow to the heart. I let a tear escape.

"What?" I could feel him ripping my heart out slowly.

"I... I need some air." And with that he walked out of the door. Possibly out of my life. I sank onto the couch and cried my eyes out. Why? Why couldn't I have just let it go? I knew it was too good to be true. I knew he didn't love me. Who would love me? I'm just a fatass. I'm worthless.

I cried so hard i started to feel numb. Tears soaked my hands and shirt.

"Your worthless Patrick!" I yelled to myself.

"Your a good for nothing fatass!" I said between sobs. I cried so loud and yelled at myself I almost didn't hear it.

"Patrick your not worthless." It was almost a whisper. I turned my head to see Pete, standing in the doorway to the living room, eyes red and puffy from crying. How long had he been standing there? I sniffles and wiped my nose on my hand. He walked in and sank to his knees in front of me.

He took both of my hands. He was crying too.

"Patrick you are not worthless. You are not fat. Your are beautiful. You are the most beautifullest person I know, inside and out. You are kind. You are an amazing singer. You are better than me." I could feel more tears coming as he was crying too. "You are the better half of me. I'm nothing without you and I was stupid in thinking I wouldnt be. Patrick, I love you with everything I have. I can't express how much I love you. These past three months have been the best months in my life. I love you unconditionally. I'm so sorry that I yelled at you." He kissed my hand shakily from all the crying me and him were doing.

"Pete I love you too. I shouldn't have pushed you to tell me. Pete I love you so so damn much that it scares me." And with that we were kissing. A shaky, salty, tearfull kiss. Slopy but with meaning. I did love pete. He made me happy. I could never live without him.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now