Google Hangout

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When they recorded the Google Hangout and the question about their biggest fear came up, Larry had immediately known what Laurent was going to answer. He had felt it. 

They had gotten this particular question in other hangouts before, and they had answered it differently then, with Laurent going on about their mother and how he wanted her to always be around. It was true, they did love their mom and they did worry about not being there for her often enough. But even so, it hadn't been an honest answer. 

It hadn't been a downright lie, either. They had only bent the truth a little and avoided the obvious emotional pitch fall their fans were waiting for.

At the time, Larry had welcomed his brother's answer with open arms, latching onto his twin's words like a drowning man would latch onto a life preserver. Because this was his safe space. Talking about mami and their siblings back home. About his daughter, even. But not about Laurent. For some reason, he just refused to go down that lane with fans. He refused to open up that can of worms to the public. It hit too deep. It wasn't something he outwardly talked about to anyone, had problems admitting to himself, even in the quietest, darkest corner of his mind. And he certainly wasn't about to spill his heart out in front of a bunch of cameras and strangers. 

So this time, when they got asked the question about their biggest fear and Laurent answered it straight from the heart, not even missing a beat, Larry was pissed. 

He felt the panic bubbling up inside of himself because he sensed that Laurent was in a talk-active mood today, that he felt safe and comfortable enough in the company of their interviewers to actually answer that damn question truthfully. 

"Lose my brother."

And there it was.

He tried to joke about it in the hopes of pissing Laurent off enough to discourage him. But none of it seemed to work and the words were already spoken. 

"To lose my brother, for real," Laurent drove the words home as though he hadn't done enough damage already and Larry looked down, not only overwhelmed with depth of his twin's love for him, but also angry at the fact that Laurent was so willing to bear his heart out to strangers.

Larry knew it would have been right to just go along with it then, to play the 'brotherly love' card and be done with it. 

But for some reason, he felt his insides clench at the thought. He just couldn't.

"I can't say my brother," he tried to explain. Larry went on about their siblings and their mom and about how he had to worry more about them because they lived so far away from him.

"I really care about my family more than my brother," he said. "It's not bad. It's just with my brother I know he's fine. Like whenever he's hurt, I know he's fine."

"Yeah, but for me it's different," Laurent cut in, sounding agitated. "I always care more about you than anyone. And I don't want to, I swear I don't want to, but it's like--" 

"But you don't show me anything," Larry interrupted, panicked again. "You don't show me anything. I don't wanna see 'that'

Larry knew he was being a dick about it. 

Laurent showed him love all the freaking time. But his twin was venturing dangerously close into emotional territory here. A little too close for Larry's comfort. And whenever things hit too close to home, he usually tried to distance himself from the conversation.

He could feel his brother's annoyance at the brush-off, at the way Larry had shamelessly weaseled himself out of the tight-spot. And yet he ignored the way Laurent's hurt bled through their twin connection and continued with the interview as though nothing had happened. 

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