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The first time Larry takes notice of the guy is when he scans the crowd for his brother and has to do a double-take.

For a moment, the guy tricks him into thinking he's Laurent. He's got the same height, same size, same shoulder-to-waist ratio. His skin is white, although he does his best to cover as much of it as possible with an assortment of clothes that looks like it comes straight from their wardrobe.

Larry dislikes him immediately.

Having been born a twin he knows a thing or two about individuality and he knows that the only way to be successful in this world is if you are the most 'you' you can possibly be. 

They've had crazy fans before, but this poser is something else. Larry tends to stick to his side of the room when he's going through the choreography with his group, but today his eyes stray to the side more often than usual. He can't help it. It's the necklace and rings and freaking everything. From the dance moves to the way he walks and talks, it's like the guy has spent hours just studying them become a carbon copy.

"He's freaking me out," Larry says when he and Laurent catch a moment in the break room. "We should wear something ridiculous tomorrow just to see if he'll copy it."

Laurent smiles around his water bottle. "Ridiculous like what?"

Larry shrugs. "A wig, skirt, anything he'll think twice about wearing."

"Like a schoolbag?"

"Yeah. Remember the ugly one mami made us wear?" 

Laurent snorts. "I can put on one of her old headscarves. See if he likes that."

Lau's only half-joking and Larry loves him for it. "I bet people wouldn't even find it strange coming from you." 

"Shut up. I can pull anything off if I want to," Laurent says with a grin and then finishes the rest of Larry's water. After a beat of silence, he grows serious again. "We should take it as a compliment that the guy wants to be like us."

Larry fiddles with a lose thread on his pants. "He's taking it too far, though. Have you seen the rings? I don't even know where the fuck he'd get something similar. It's not like you can just buy them on Amazon."

This is the part that gets under Larry's skin. Clothes are meaningless. Larry doesn't mind if someone wears the same hoodie or shoes as he does. He doesn't even care about the damn necklace. But the silver ring with the plated front that he and Laurent both wear is the single most valuable thing in Larry' s possession and to see it worn by a stranger feels like an intrusion.

"It's a phase. It will blow over."

Larry grimaces because the 'phase' has gone on for a few years now and only seems to get worse.

"For real. Stop worrying so much," Laurent cups the side of his neck and caresses Larry's jaw with his thumb. His smile is gentle, the kind that never fails to make warmth blossom in Larry's chest and Larry finds a strange satisfaction knowing that this is a side of his brother that the guy will never know. He can copy Larry down to the last detail but he'll never know what it feels like to get even a sliver of the love Laurent holds for him. "We good?"

"Yeah." Larry sighs when Laurent's hand falls away from his face. He feels the desire to pout, but then he reminds himself that he's a grown man who doesn't need to get petted by his brother.

Throughout the rest of the workshop, the guy's eyes are glued to Laurent and he never strays far from his side. It's like he tries so hard to capture Laurent's attention that he can't even focus on the goddamn choreography and if Larry felt threatened at all by the guy's presence, he'd strut over there and claim Laurent publicly. 

You And Me - A Collection of Les Twins One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now