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A/n: Prompt fill for doush7 :) I hope you like it!

The thing that probably shocks him the most is how quickly things can go downhill.

One moment Larry is dancing and the next he's a crumpled heap on the floor and he's not getting back up.

The sound of his head cracking against wood will haunt Playmo like a ghostly echo for as long as he lives.

Everyone in the studio just stops and stares for a second and nobody's sure what happened except that there's a little boy to the left of them, playing with marbles. And fuck. Fuck.

Playmo's body starts moving on its own accord and suddenly he's on the ground next to Larry, hands hovering, unsure where it's safe to touch without doing any additional damage. Rubix is the second to gather his bearings and he's brushing his hand up Larry's arm on his way down. "What the hell just happened? Did he knock himself out?"

"He slipped on a marble," someone says and Playmo knows. He knows. He saw the little boy and the polished glass pearls twirling across the wooden floorboards and he can't for the life of him understand why any sane person would allow their child to bring marbles to a dance studio when it's like bringing a flamethrower to a gas station. When it only takes one tiny piece of glass to break someone's neck. But no. No. That's not what happened. And Playmo can't afford to get angry because he needs to focus a hundred percent on Larry now. The kid has never known how to sit still all his life, he's always moving, always dancing, always buzzing with energy but right now there's nothing and Playmo can't breathe, his hands are shaking. He's never seen Larry so still before.

More and more people are gathering around his sprawled out body and the whispers are picking up now, turning into a nervous chatter.

Rubix reaches out for Larry's shoulder, but Playmo holds him back.

"Don't touch him," he warns and then sends a glance up at everyone else. "Nobody move him. He could have hurt his neck."

Regi works his way through the small circle that has appeared around Larry and kneels down beside them with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. "Did he hit his head?"

Rubix is shaking, one of the toddlers in the crowd is crying and Playmo wants them all gone, every single one of them.

He can't help but focus on Larry's chest. The slow but steady rise and fall of his torso is currently the only thing keeping him sane and he needs to think.

"Why isn't he moving?" Regi rushes out.

Playmo glances at the phone in Rubix' hand.

"Call an ambulance," he orders quietly and then locks eyes with Regi for a second before nodding toward the crowd. He's thankful when Regi seems to understand him without words, ushering the crowd of frightened onlookers away from Larry and out of the studio. If any of them had any useful medical knowledge, they would have already stepped forward, but the crowd consists of mostly teenagers and middle-aged parents who keep whispering and filming and the last thing they need right now is for videos of Larry unconscious on the floor to go viral.

Rubix' voice is off somewhere in the distance, giving their address to the dispatcher on the phone and Regi gently but firmly dissolves the crowd and with all of them suddenly gone to give him room to breathe, Playmo has the peace of mind to actually look at Larry. The kid's out cold. His features lax and his mouth slightly open, his lashes fanned out against his pale skin. He looks like he's sleeping. Peaceful, almost. But there's a very small, but eminent pool of blood spreading on the ground around his head and Playmo's heart surges with panic at the sight.

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