Même Ton Sang

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Laurent knew that things were about to escalate badly between them around a week or two before their birthday. 

They'd been non-stop working for the past five months or so, with barely any downtime in between jobs and it had led to more arguing than usually. It had started out with little things like Larry being late for appointments or Laurent not wearing his stupid face mask. And then it had started becoming worse, with old issues making an unwanted return out of nowhere.

Laurent had been good at ignoring Larry's love life, he had. Larry had put his foot down about wanting Mel in his life, so Laurent had tolerated her presence for the sake of his twin's happiness and begrudgingly watched her manipulate his brother from a safe distance.

He had kept his mouth firmly shut every single time she had called Larry during jobs or workshops even though she must have known that they were working. He hadn't even put up a fight when Larry had ditched him and their other relatives on family holidays last year. 

But then she wanted him to fly out for Christmas for the second year in a row and when Larry gave in to her without even putting up a protest, Laurent's heart kind of... shattered. 

He'd been listening in with one ear, hovering in the kitchen while Larry chuckled and whispered into his phone, a sickening little smile growing on his lips as he agreed to spending the holidays with her in New York. It was like the straw that broke the camel's back. Like pouring gas into the fire. By the time Larry had hung up, Laurent had packed a bag and put on a jacket.

"You're leaving this late?" Larry had asked with a frown and then realization had dawned on him as he noticed the strange look on Laurent's face. "Wait, are you...?"

"You said yes to her? About Christmas?"

Larry's jaw locked in dismay at having been listened to. Maybe even at having to explain himself to his brother. "It's just for a couple of days, Lau. Don't turn this into something big."

Laurent snorted. "Because it's not big to you? Being away from family, again, on such a big holiday?"

"It's not a big deal. Christmas happens every year. We'll just spend next year together instead."

"But what if there is no next year for mami? She's not gonna live forever, Larry."

"Shut up! Why would you say that? Stop using mama and trying to scare me just because I have a life outside of you and you don't!"

Laurent reared back as though someone had slapped him. He blinked, shook his head a little and then a cold, dark smile passed over his features at the same time as Larry started realizing that he'd just gone too far. "Lau, I didn't—"

"You wanna be without me so much, then fine."

Larry rolled his eyes. "Laurent—"

But Laurent just shouldered his bag. "Enjoy your holidays."


LARRY 08:45 AM 'Tell me when you land in miami'

LARRY 09:23 AM 'Lau'

LARRY 11:55 AM '???'

LARRY 14:02 PM 'Why u don't pick up the phone?'

LARRY 14:04 PM 'I checked ur flight status. Fuck off, lau. You scare your own brother like that? FUCK YOU'


Laurent didn't text or call Larry until their birthday.

Larry picked up on the first ring and there was nothing but strained silence for a few seconds, the sound of the other's breathing being the only audible sound for a while.

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