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It was real what they said about twin connections.

Larry wasn't sure how it worked, but he was connected to Laurent in a way that exceeded a normal sibling relationship. Most of the time, they didn't even try to explain it to non-twins because the people who hadn't come into this world with a spitting image of themselves to share every single heartbeat with would never know how deep their bond truly ran.

Laurent was the one who could control it. 

That was, if one would even go as far as to call it 'control'.

Maybe it was because he came out first, or maybe, Larry thought, it was because Laurent had always been the quieter of the two, the thinker and feeler.

The first time it happened, they had barely been old enough to walk. Larry had gotten lost in the supermarket while Laurent, still gripping his maman's hand, had stared at the distressed staff members with wide eyes, not quite able to understand what was going on, but getting increasingly alarmed by his twin's absence. He didn't remember much of it now, only that he had squeezed his eyes shut at some point, trying to block out the loud voices of his frightened mother and the shift manager, who had been unable to find Larry in the vastness of the supermarket. What he did remembered was the vivid sensation in his mind, like an invisible force trying to shove information into his awareness. Like a magnet, luring him away from his mami and toward a particular supermarket section. He remembered tugging on his mami's hand and grasping fistfuls of her jacket and crying in desperation when none of the grown-ups would listen to him. Eventually, the sensation grew strong enough for Laurent to yank himself out of his mother's grasp and run down the isle. He remembered turning a corner and dashing past a few newspaper displays, hearing the frantic shouts of his already-panicked mother and the other staff members trying to catch a hold of him. And then he remembered spotting Larry. His twin had stood at the end of the cereal section with an equally lost expression on his face and tears in his eyes.

When their mom had asked them about it later, Laurent had simply shrugged and replied that he had just 'felt' where his twin brother was. That it had been an instinct. Even then, he had known that it had been more than that. 

What he had felt back at that supermarket had been Larry's growing panic. His twin must have grown increasingly frantic at being unable to find his way back to his family. And Laurent had felt it deep within himself. His brother's fear had somehow bled into his awareness and it had been strong enough to guide him to where his brother was, to almost make him see Larry's location in his mind's eye. Like a compass leading the way, allowing them to find each other.

Back then, Laurent had realized that their bond ran deeper than even they had suspected.

To him, it had been reassuring. It had made him feel safe, comforted in the knowledge that even if all else failed, there would always be this invisible link between them, connecting them like a rubber band that would always snap them back together, no matter how far it got stretched.

From that moment on, Laurent had been privy to this special connection they shared. 

It was like he had accidentally found the key to their secret super power and now that he possessed it, he could make use of it at any given moment. He had allowed for their spiritual link to flood through him freely, he had embraced it, even.

For Larry, it was a bit different. He had felt their connection just as strongly as Laurent, but it felt like an invasion to him. To him, it was the scariest part of their relationship, like an out-of-body-experience and it never failed to make him almost dizzy with loss of control. The only reason why he wasn't outright afraid of it, was because he knew the sensation was evoked by his brother and he knew his brother would never harm him, that he would never exploit the power he held over Larry through their mental connection. He also knew that most of the time when it happened, Laurent didn't even do it on purpose.

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