L'enfer (Part 1)

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Disclaimer: This story was based off of a fic I read years ago on tumblr, so if it feels familiar, that's why. The writer was called Elody and she was amazing but as far as I remember she only wrote her stories in french and then she vanished from the fandom. So this is based off one of her storylines, just in my own words and change/reinvented slightly, to keep a part of her legacy alive. I have taken the liberty to get inspired, I hope she'll understand <3

It was unusually cold outside, and the drizzle of icy droplets hit them both like a slap to the face.

They'd been stuck inside the stuffy dance studio for the better part of the day and Laurent was glad to finally be done, allowing the cool air to fill his lungs as he waited for Larry to join him.

"We'll see you guys next year, alright?" his brother told the persistent girl in the doorway.

Laurent was thankful his back was turned so he didn't have to join the conversation. They had already extended the meet-and-greet by thirty minutes and this girl had been particularly eager, hogging his twin's attention despite Larry's kindest efforts to tell her they needed to leave. After several minutes of Larry unsuccessfully trying to end the conversation, Laurent decided that enough was enough and walked out the door, knowing Larry would take his cue from him.

"Alright, byeee. Bye guys!" Larry waved at the crowd before the door closed behind him. Laurent sighed, glad that they were finally done and about to call it a night.

"Did you call a UBER?" Larry asked quietly, their shoulders brushing as they put some distance between themselves and the studio. Knowing the crowd would soon disperse, Laurent crossed the parking lot with his phone clutched in his hands, checking the little red dot on the app as it slowly dragged across the map on the screen.

"It says ten minutes."

"That long?" Larry groaned , pulling his phone out of his pocket and unlocking the screen.

Laurent noticed his brother's frown and cast a glance at his phone, noticing the 3 missed calls glaring up at Larry from the screen. His own brow furrowed, considering the time distance. It was unusual for family to call them this early in the morning.

"Lylah? What does she want?"

"I don't know," Larry murmured, a look of concern crossing his features. "Something with Lilo maybe. I'll be right back."

"Hurry up," Laurent advised, knowing that their fans had the tendency to stick around after workshops and that it wouldn't take long for them to spot them.

Larry jogged across the parking lot in search of a quiet corner and Laurent watched him disappear into a dimly lit alleyway behind the parking lot. He tried to force down the worry he felt whenever Larry vanished from his sight and told himself that it was only for a moment, his brother just wanted to keep their family matters private, away from the eager ears of their fans.

Speaking of which, Laurent watched with growing dismay as a flock of people started trickling out of the dance studio, chattering happily, and showing each other the videos they had taken during the workshop. One of the girls - and Laurent would bet good money that it was the same one that had held Larry captive earlier - noticed him and Laurent only had a moment of realization before she started making her way across the parking lot. "Laurent! You're still here. I forgot to give Larry something. Can you let him know that I—"

"Listen, we'll get picked up any second. It will have to wait until next time," Laurent tried to excuse himself, feeling increasingly frustrated as he glanced toward the alleyway that Larry had vanished into. He glanced down at his phone, willing the guy to drive faster. It wasn't like he didn't appreciate their fans but right now he was exhausted from the workshop and his patience was worn thin from hours of being in the spotlight.

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