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Laurent hadn't been a fan of this from the moment Larry had first mentioned it.

Another strange trend had arisen on Social Media, where people hooked each other up to a lie detector and asked questions which their fans posted in a live stream.

Laurent didn't remember the last time he'd ever lied to his brother about anything because quite frankly, Larry could see right through his bullshit without having any outside help, thank you very much. And yet here he was, with some dude who did this stuff professionally, probably with criminals and psychopaths, strapping wires and nodes to his fingers.

Laurent glared at Larry the whole time while he got set-up, spelling ‚YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS' with his gaze and making Larry squirm in the seat next to him.

"Alright, you're all set. Ready?"

"No," Laurent said grumpily, but Larry just grinned and rubbed his hands in anticipation before picking up his phone to start the live. "Yes, we're ready."

Laurent rolled his eyes in defeat, settling back against the seat and trying to relax himself as much as possible as Larry made a quick intro and read through the comments to pick his first question. "Oh, I like this one. Do you consider yourself the smarter twin?"

"Yes," Laurent said snappily, just because he felt like it and because Larry had gotten him into this stupid situation in the first place.

"He's lying," the guy said and Laurent let out a huff in annoyance at Larry's cry of victory.

Now he couldn't even tease his brother anymore without this guy busting his every lie.

"Do you think you're the better dancer?"

Laurent hesitated because they always tried to outmatch the other during every dance battle and competition and even when they were at home and nothing was at stake. Laurent always wanted to be better than his twin, even when it didn't always happen.

"Sometimes," he said, choosing the words carefully and the machine didn't detect any signs for a lie in his answer. "We have different styles, but I don't think I'm better."

"That's the truth."

Of course it was. Laurent was proud of his own distinctive style, of how different it was from Larry's, how well they completed each other. He was proud of his decision to leave school and follow his dream, to get recognized, even before Larry had joined him. But i fit ever really came down to it and if he had to say who was better between them, he'd always say his brother was the best dancer in the world. Because to him, Larry was.

Larry didn't look up from his screen, but Laurent could see the miniscule twitch of his lips as he processed the answer. He didn't like it when Laurent gave him compliments because it made him emotional.

"Have you ever pretended your brother was to blame for something you did?"

Laurent instantly pulled a face, remembering a thousand moments where he had successfully pretended that Larry was at fault for something he had done. They started laughing and teasing each other and telling the stories of who was really at fault and who had taken the blame for what. "I feel like every twin has done this at least once... we share the same face. It's too easy to blame him. He's done it with me, too."

"He's right," Larry agreed, speaking to the camera and then returning back to his phone in search for a new question. "Alright, let me see.... Uhhhmm."

Laurent frowned when he saw Larry's expression change. One moment his brother was carefree and smiling from their jokes and the teasing from just a second ago and then his face turned serious, the smile slowly slipping. "Do you ever wish you weren't a twin?"

You And Me - A Collection of Les Twins One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now