My Mind

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A/N: Warnings for drug abuse and sexual content. Just my mind randomly throwing stuff at me. My very own interpretation of Larry's performance to the Yebba's song...

They are fifteen when Laurent meets Leora.

She's the polar opposite of any girl he's ever brought home before, skin like porcelain and eyes the kind of green that sends chills down your body. She's beautiful, all of his girls are, but she's different from the others and it's not just skin color.

Their mom is skeptical about her from the first minute, not because she's jewish or white or because she doesn't speak their language. It's just her feeling, she tells Larry in secret. For Larry, it's more than a feeling. It's instinct. He knows the girl is trouble the moment Laurent first tells him about her. There's something in the way his brother's face lights up when he talks about her, something in the way his body language changes that makes him worry.

The first time they meet will forever be burned into his memory.

"You must be Larry," she says in heavily-accented French and throws her arms around his neck. Her perfume is nothing like he's ever smelled before, it's heavy and penetrating with notes of sandalwood and rosemary, not like all the other girls. It smells expensive. "Lau told me so much about you. And my god, the similarity."

There are so many things he dislikes right away, like her butchered French, the tone of her voice, or the way she calls Laurent 'Lau' like she has any damn right. She says it with so much confidence like she's his girlfriend already and Larry is just someone Laurent occasionally talks to. Like he's the outsider and not her.

The polite response would be 'he's told me about you, too' but Larry doesn't want to give her the satisfaction.

She pulls away and cups both sides of his face. "It's gonna be hard to tell you two apart, won't it?" she says, all playful and bubbly and seemingly unbothered by his rigid posture. It's like the way he looks at her doesn't even register, she's way too fucking confident to be thrown off by the attitude Larry gives her and it's odd. He's good at making people uncomfortable. But she's unbothered. 

"It won't be hard at all," he says quietly. "Trust me."

Her eyes blitz, the smile wavering a bit and Larry sees the lapse in composure. And that's when his heart starts beating a bit faster in his chest. That's when he gets scared for the first time because she's a smart one. And she's not afraid of Larry at all.

"Lau?" she yells out, tossing her luscious mane of curls over her shoulder.

Her eyes remain on Larry the ten seconds it takes for Laurent to come over and then her nimble fingers are on Laurent's arm. She still looks at Larry, even as her hand slides down Laurent's wrist, guiding his arm around her middle and leaning her head back against his shoulder. It's not even awkward, the way she does it. The way she entices him to hold her while holding eye contact with Larry.

And Larry feels his body react to it like he's in combat or something. His heart is thrashing in his chest, his fingers are curled into loose fists and it takes about every ounce of willpower he possesses to not start making a scene then and there. He wants to jump forward and grab Laurent's arm and yank him away from that... that minx. But he can't. They are at a party, everyone's downright fascinated with Leora from 'London' and her fellowship of English-speaking bitches. And Laurent looks and smiles at her with a warmth that is usually reserved for Larry. He's already under her spell, Larry realizes. He's already fading.

"C'mon, I wanna dance," Leora says and turns her head to kiss Laurent's jaw.

She can't dance for shit.

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