Ursa Major

542 28 21

- 5 things Rubix had learned about the twins throughout the years - 

Warnings: violence, racism, racial slurs.

1) don't get involved in their fights.

When these two fought, it wasn't pretty. 

Nobody argued like Larry and Laurent did. It was their Bourgeois-branded specialty. They bickered all the time, but when it came to actual arguments, they could go at it without ever getting tired, sometimes for days on end.

"What do you mean, just a small change of plans?"

"Larry. The tickets are booked. End of discussion."

"I was going to New York over the holidays and you knew it."

"So what?" Laurent shrugged, getting more aggravated by the second. Larry had him backed into a corner, demanding answers that his twin wasn't ready to answer. "You can see your boo another time."

And oh boy, it was the wrong thing to say because Larry's eyes instantly caught fire. 

"So that's what this is about?" he challenged. "You can't handle the fact that I spend time with her and not you?"

Laurent's jaw clenched, a dark shadow passing over his features and Rubix shuffled his feet, starting to feel uncomfortable in the boys' presence. 

As much as these two loved each other, nobody knew better than their friends and family that the twins had a lot of heavy, complicated shit to hash out between them and Larry's girlfriend was in fact, a constant source of aggravation between them.

"You wanna pass up an opportunity like this for your girl? Fine. We don't have to work together if you're so happy to prioritize other things in your life over the brand."

Over me. Rubix heard the words that Laurent refused to say and even from afar, he saw the hurt flooding Larry's face at the words. "I'm sick and tired of this ridiculous jealousy between you, Laurent. I'm going to New York, whether you like it or not. You can do the gig by yourself."

Just as Laurent opened his mouth to retaliate, Rubix heard himself speak. "Guys, stop it, please."

Their eyes latched onto him as Rubix lifted his palms placatingly and took a step closer. His legs felt shaky under the combined weight of their fire-spitting gaze, but he told himself that it would pass as soon as he got through to them. "Larry, I'm sure Laurent didn't mean to—"

"I'm sorry, I can't remember having asked for your opinion?" Laurent growled, his entire face darkening at the intrusion.

Rubix swallowed roughly, a sudden chill running up his spine. He blinked, taken aback by the hostility in Laurent's tone and turning pleading eyes on Larry instead. Surely – if Laurent was beyond rational thought – Larry would listen to him and see reason. But instead of being met with understanding or empathy, Larry's eyes were equally cold and unforgiving. "You think I can't handle my own or something? You think I need you to speak for me?"

"Of course not," Rubix sputtered, his heart suddenly beating faster at being on the receiving end of their wrath. "I only meant to say that Lau probably didn't mean—"

"It's none of your business what I meant," Laurent snapped and Rubix swallowed back whatever had been on his tongue. "This doesn't concern you."

Cheeks flushed in embarrassment, Rubix turned around and stumbled out the door, only to hear them pick up the fight right where they had left off, even louder and more aggressively than before. When Playmo caught him on his way out and asked him what happened, the older man just laughed and squeezed Rubix's neck in reassurance. "You tried to intervene?"

You And Me - A Collection of Les Twins One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now