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Larry didn't like to share.

It had always been that way, even back when they were young. Their mom had the theory that it was because they grew up poor, with barely a few dollars to their name. But whatever the reason was, everyone knew to stay clear of Larry's stuff.

His nephews and nieces knew better than to touch his phone. His mom knew better than to snoop around in his closet or god forbid, give some of his 'old' stuff to charity. And his siblings knew not to take any of his stuff without asking. Laurent being the only exception of course. Because there was no 'mine' or 'yours' with someone you shared your face and thoughts and even the womb with. Whatever one possessed belonged to the both of them. 

Maybe that was part of the reason why Larry was hesitant to share things with others.

Because with Laurent he couldn't choose. 

But with others, he could.

Larry was a naturally possessive person. He felt entitled to certain things and he didn't like when someone tried to take these things from him. When other people copied his style, Larry got mad, when someone tried to steal one of his dance moves, he became seriously pissed-off. And when someone tried to get close to Laurent, well... things usually turned ugly. Larry absolutely didn't tolerate sharing his twin brother's attention. With anyone. Not with their mom or his siblings or their friends. Certainly not with other dancers or strangers.

It would have been almost funny, if it wasn't so odd, especially now that they were in their thirties. Now that he should have known better than to behave like a baboon around others just because they had looked at Laurent or decided to have a brief conversation.

But Larry didn't care about his public image any more than he cared about their reputation and where Laurent was concerned, he made no compromises. He was so used to his brother's constant attention that he didn't react well to having it directed anywhere other than on himself. 

"What the hell was that?" Laurent snapped at his brother.

"What?" Larry asked, shrugging as though he had no clue what his brother was pissed about.

"What do you mean 'what'." Laurent grabbed him by the back of his sweater, forcing him to stop and turn around. "The hell did you do that for? He didn't do anything! We were just talking."

Larry pushed Laurent back, his face contorted with anger. "You saw what happened! He fucking started it."

"What I saw was you being an asshole to a guy you don't even know." 

Hurt flicked across Larry's features. His eyes turned fiery. "Fine! Why don't you go back there and hold his hand if he means so much to you," he hissed, yanking his leather jacket back on from where he had dropped it on the bed earlier and grabbing his keys from the night stand.  "I wouldn't want to stand in the way of you and your new best friend."

Larry strode out the door and slammed it shut behind him. 

Laurent blinked, staring after his twin in a mixture of shock and disbelief.

What the hell. 

They had just returned home from a night at the club.

Tonight was supposed to be fun, being in one of their favorite local clubs, meeting some of their old friends and hanging with the gang. The guy in question had been decent enough. They had bumped into each other at the bar and gotten caught up in conversation. Turns out the guy had spent some time in Guadeloupe during an exchange semester, and more than that, he had gone to class with one of their cousins. Laurent had just talked to him. Sure enough, Larry had come by a few times, hanging around them awkwardly and trying to join the conversation. But instead of actually trying to get to know him, Larry's mood had been sour from the start and when the guy didn't seem to latch onto the fact that they were twins like most people did, something inside of Larry had just snapped. He had yelled at the guy, insulted him, gotten all into his face until the situation had escalated. Laurent wasn't even sure who threw the first punch. He could only remember going between them and narrowly dodging a blow that was aimed at his brother before Larry hit the guy square in his unsuspecting face. His memory was fuzzy after that, shaken up by adrenaline and disbelief. 

You And Me - A Collection of Les Twins One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now