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In the weeks after Laurent's return, Larry was acting strange.

They rode the bus to school every morning and while Laurent kept up a steady chatter with their friends, answering questions about his year in Guadeloupe and joking around, Larry shrunk into his seat, quietly chewing on his bottom lip.

Laurent didn't notice it right away. He was out of his depth too, being the center of attention. And even if he noticed that Larry was quieter than usual, he probably wrote it off as being a little overwhelmed. Laurent had always taken his emotional cue from him, after all.

But as the days passed and Larry became quieter and quieter, Laurent grew worried.

"What's going on with you?" he demanded on their way home from school.

Larry shrugged. "Nothing's going on."

"You've barely said a word today," Laurent said, lightly shoving his shoulder.

"Maybe I grew quiet while you were away," Larry shoved him back, causing him to stumble.

Laurent glared at him, and a slow mischievous little smile stole itself onto Larry's lips in anticipation of Laurent's retaliation.

And then Laurent slammed his full weight into him and took off with a manic laugh, his school bag bouncing off his back with how fast he was running. Larry caught up with him just before their mom's house and they both tumbled to the ground in a mess of limbs and hair.

"Fuck," Laurent wheezed out, straightening slowly from the ground. "Look what you've done."

"Your own fault," Larry grumbled with a pout.

He dusted off his clothes and helped his twin up before pulling a tuft of grass from his brother's afro. Laurent caught Larry's wrist and searched out his eyes. 'Hey. You really ok?'

Larry got a little flustered in his gaze, but nodded after a second's hesitation.

And Laurent let it go.


The next day, Laurent pushed out of his Maths class and went straight to Larry's at the end of the corridor.  Larry usually waited for him whenever his class finished earlier, but today Laurent trudged up to an empty hall without finding Larry slouched against the lockers.

He followed a group of students into the yard, suddenly worried at the startling lack of his twin all around. In all their years at school, Larry had never spent his lunch break away from him. His twin wouldn't just wander off like that without telling him.

Annoyance made Laurent walk faster. He didn't really know where he was going and yet his feet carried him straight to the gym hall in the school basement. The air down there was stuffy and dust particles floated through the light filtering in through the tiny windows.

Laurent's pace sped up as he heard taunts and laughter in the distance. Something hit the ground with a heavy thud and suddenly Laurent was running. 

The sight that greeted him in the gym stopped him dead in his tracks.

Larry was on the ground, with three guys towering over him. He tried to lift himself on shaky arms, but another kick to the ribs sent him back with a whimper.

Something inside of Laurent snapped.

He exploded into motion. 

"Hey! Get away from him!" He wasn't even aware of himself when he flung his body at the first guy, sending him stumbling. "GET THE FUCK OFF MY BROTHER!" A fist flew at him from the side, but Laurent caught it, twisting the guy's arm behind his back and shoving him hard enough to send him flying. The third guy didn't even try, just backed up with his hands lifted. 

You And Me - A Collection of Les Twins One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now