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The one thing Larry remembered more than anything else, wasn't the music or the dance floor or the way the crowd had gone crazy around them, but it was that first beat that Laurent missed. 

Larry remembered frowning at that, and then even more so when Laurent continued his next moves off beat, ever so slightly out of sync with the music. 

Nobody else would have noticed, but Larry did. 

And his eyes narrowed.

When the song was over and the crowd started cheering after Laurent's performance, Larry moved in, carefully cupping the back of his brother's sweaty neck. Instantly his frown deepened at the unusual clamminess of his brother's skin. "Tu vas bien?" 

Laurent flinched away from his touch and whatever concern Larry might have felt just a moment ago turned into a soaring fire of worry. 

"Laurent?" Larry asked, his hands gripping his brother's shoulders firmly. "Hey! Regardes moi! Qu'y a-t-il? 'Look at me. What's up with you?'

Laurent's eyes were on him but his gaze went straight through him and Larry felt his insides go cold with a fear he'd never known before. Suddenly it was very important to get Laurent off the dance floor and away from all these people.Larry tugged on his brother's arm, trying to guide him toward a corner booth or something, but Laurent seemed to have lost all control over his limbs. He clumsily tripped over his own feet, barely with it enough to catch himself against Larry's side. 

"Hey woah." Larry caught him around the waist, swaying a bit from the unexpected dead-weight of his brother. "What the hell?" his voice went up a notch when Laurent's head flopped clumsily against his collarbone. "Lau?"

Nothing. Laurent's breathing was shaky against Larry's neck. Shaky and shallow and way too fast. And something was definitely, absolutely, horribly wrong. Larry's heart was in his throat as he held Laurent steady, one arm slung carefully around his twin's sweaty back and one wrapped firmly around his waist.

"I's okay. Is okay. I gotchu," Larry hushed when Laurent muttered something unintelligible against his neck.  The words didn't make any sense, they came out slurred and uncoordinated, his tongue dragging against the roof of his mouth as he tried to express himself. Larry didn't know what he was saying, but he could vaguely make out his name in the jumbled mess of word.

Laurent sounded drunk.

But Laurent didn't even like alcohol and he would have never let himself go like that without talking to Larry about it first. So while the people around them just continued on dancing, not even sparing Laurent a second glance because they figured he was drunk, Larry's fingers were shaking and his mind was racing so fast he could barely breathe. 

Laurent's knees buckled and Larry's reflexes snapped to attention as he caught more of his twin's body weight and struggled to keep them both upright.

"Tout ira bien. Tais-toi, mon frère." 'It's gonna be fine. I've got you, my brother.' 

Larry scanned the crowd for Roy and the rest of the gang, all the while whispering words of comfort against his brother's temple. "Je te tiens. Je te tiens." 'I've got you, I've got you.'

Thankfully, their friends had just started noticing Laurent's uncoordinated movements and crossed over to them with frowns of their own.

"What's wrong with him?" Roy asked, taking in Laurent's glazed-over expression and the way Larry was the only thing keeping him upright at this point. "Did he drink?" 

"No. Is there a place we can take him to?" Larry rushed out.

Roy glanced around the club and spotted a door behind the barkeeper, probably leading to a back office or storage room. He nodded and ducked down to slip his head underneath Laurent's arm, helping Larry to carry some of Laurent's weight. "Yeah, c'mon, let me help."

You And Me - A Collection of Les Twins One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now