Chanté nwèl

958 40 32

A/N: This is a prompt-fill for alteredfreak

Bruce was worried about the twins. 

It was a rare occurrence to encounter either of them without the other, so he was a bit concerned when only Laurent made it to their long-awaited meeting in Paris. 

As soon as the older Bourgeois twin stepped through the doorway, he could tell that there was more to the brothers' separation than just 'business reasons'. But Bruce wasn't one to poke a tiger with a stick, so he just hugged Laurent in greeting and didn't comment on it when Laurent held on a little tighter than usually. 

He had known them for a decade now, and yet when it came to moments like this Bruce often realized that whatever he thought he knew about the boys was only the tip of the iceberg. 

At first glance, Bruce had been almost blinded by their presence. He remembered it vividly, the magnetic pull these two had on almost everyone around them, even as teenagers. Their talent was one thing, but then there was the way they interacted with each other. The way they backed each other up on the dance floor as well as in real life. There was a trust and love there that took everyone's breath away because it was rarely shown so openly. Bruce saw it everywhere when he looked at them. It was in the way their eyes sought each other out in a room full of people, in the way their fingers locked when bypassing the other, in the way they straightened each other's clothes and in how their faces lit up extra bright whenever the other said something funny.

Bruce sometimes found himself staring, wondering how it must feel to have someone so similar to yourself, not just in appearances, but in character. To get born into this world with an integrated best friend. To have someone who always understood you and felt empathy for you and backed you up in a fight. It was a beautiful thing to watch. It was almost magical.

But here was the catch: having someone you cared so deeply about, someone who completed you, also meant that being without this person really sucked. 

So it came to no big surprise, that Laurent - after having spent a month without Larry - arrived at Bruce's apartment with dark circles under his eyes and a brooding expression on his face. He seemed less than eager to be here and Bruce had the sinking suspicion that Laurent had only come here out of a misplaced sense of obligation rather than the wish to catch up with friends.

"How long since he was with Larry?" Bruce asked Loïc, handing his friend a beer from the fridge. The bottle was cold in his grasp, slipping slightly. 

Loïc opened it with the platinum band on his middle finger. "A few weeks, three or four I think." 

"They been fighting?" 

Loïc took a sip from the bottle. "Looks like. Something's going on for sure." 

Bruce let out a heavy sigh and went back outside, joining the group of people he invited for a nice pre-Christmas hangout in Paris. 

He took his seat next to a very tired looking Laurent, sending a worried glance over to the present half of the Les Twins duo, who seemed deeply lost in thought and nowhere close to being invested in the game. There was a permanent frown edged into Laurent's forehead and a tightness around his lips that had never been there before. From the looks of it, he'd lost some weight, too. He looked sad. Lonely, even in a room full of people. And Bruce had no idea what to say or do to make it better. 

That night, Laurent left before everyone else. Bruce dug his fingers into the kid's jacket, feeling strangely melancholic in the face of whatever the hell these two were going through. For the first time since he'd met them, Bruce felt like Laurent had not quite been himself tonight. His smile had been strained, his laughter fake. It was a terrible thing to witness coming from someone who was usually so playful and authentic.

You And Me - A Collection of Les Twins One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now