Normal II

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If Larry thought the weeks of keeping a physical distance to his brother had been hard, the weeks that followed were a living hell.

The night Laurent had kicked him out of his bed and ended the conversation between them had changed the entire gameplan.

Suddenly Larry didn't have to fight for his personal space and independence anymore because it was given to him in loads.

When Larry woke up the morning after their fight, the bed next to him had already been vacated. He found himself alone in the bathroom, brushing his teeth without Laurent next to him, taking up space. When Laurent's seat at the breakfast table was also deserted, Larry grew suspicious.

"Where is he?" Larry tried to make it sound casual, even when every single alarm bell inside of his brain was ringing.

He grabbed a piece of toast from the basket and tried not to notice the lack of fighting over who got the crunchier one.

"Got picked up by a friend," their mother said, casting Larry a meaningful look across the table.

Larry swallowed down a piece of toast and damn near choked on it at the thought of Laurent getting up extra early just to avoid him. He shoved his plate away with a frown and a sickening feeling that something was ‚off' about his brother's behavior. And not just the obvious part of Laurent holding a grudge and leaving the house without him, but more than that. Larry felt as though an invisible hand had reached deep inside him and rearranged something without his say-so. It was weird. Something was different.

Later that day, when Larry spotted Laurent's cloud of hair across the school hallway, his heart skipped a beat and he quickened his pace, trying to catch up with his brother and the group of friends he was with.

"Lau!" he called out, jogging to catch up with the gang. "Laurent!"

Laurent's head perked up at getting called by his full name, even though he must have heard Larry's first call just as easily.

"Why did you leave without me?" Larry rushed out in an accusatory tone.

He hadn't meant for the words to come out so desperate. But here he was, looking all kinds of stupid in front of their classmates and demanding answers with big, hurt eyes and a huge pout on his face.

Laurent didn't even really look at him. His pupils were fixed somewhere in the air between them, like he was physically keeping his vision from going all the way across the distance between them. Like he was looking straight through Larry instead of ‚at' him.

"Tony's brother picked me up. It's on the way to work for him, no big deal."

"Why didn't you ask me to come along?" Larry asked, slightly miffed at the idea that somebody's brother (mind you somebody who they don't even really know that well) came to pick his brother up. Did this guy even know how to drive? Did he have a license? Did he take the safe route to school and not the one where the shooting happened the other week?

How was Larry supposed to make sure his brother was ok if he didn't even know the people Laurent hung out with... 

The ring of a bell interrupted them and then just like that, Laurent was off to his next class, leaving Larry to look after him like a stray cat that hadn't been petted or fed in way too long.

Laurent didn't turn around once to look at him and the sinking feeling that something was ‚off' grew stronger.

Laurent ignored him for the better part of the school day, but that wasn't the worst thing about it. His brother could be stubborn if he wanted to. He'd always been a bit overdramatic and he knew how to hold a grudge, so Larry could live with being ignored and with seeing his twin's arm slung around their friends' necks and not his. He was cool. It was cool. He didn't need Laurent's hands on him every goddamn minute, didn't need to talk to his brother for hours at school because he knew that eventually they'd be at home together and they'd be able to catch up on whatever they had missed out during the day.

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