Two For One

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Larry can't focus on the workshop because of the set of four-year-old twin boys one of the attendees has brought along to the class. 

They are the spitting image of one another and they've been chasing each other across the dance studio for a full hour now, playing hide-and-seek and communicating in their own little ways, with glances and giggles and touches that nobody understands except for them.

"They keep you on your toes, huh?" Larry stands with one of the boys propped against his hip, just close enough to Laurent who's currently holding the little one's brother in a similar position.

"No kidding," the mother smiles, looking just about as exhausted as she sounds.

"So who of you is older?" Larry asks, even though it's quite obvious that the one he's holding has more mature features and is a little more assertive than his brother. "Is it you?" he deliberately asks the more withdrawn boy in Laurent's arms, eliciting a shy little gap-toothed grin from the boy who proceeds to hide his face in Laurent's neck all embarrassed.

"Nuh-uhhh. It's me!" the one in Larry's arms complains. "I was born first."

"Well, my brother was born first, too, but I'm still older," Larry explains and laughs a little when the boys react shocked.

"But Timmy was smaller than me. Even before we were born."

"Yeah?" Larry asks. "My brother was the same. He didn't eat enough in our mommy's tummy. Pretty stupid of him, huh?"

Their mom had told them once. About Laurent almost not having made it. To this day, it's a hard concept to grasp for Larry, almost unthinkable. That his brother had developed healthily alongside Larry for eight months only to stop eating in the thirty-first week of gestation. Laurent had weighed almost 400 grams less than Larry on the day they were born and from what their mother tells them, it had been touch-and-go for a while. 

"It's not stupid," the little boy says after a moment's contemplation. He gives a bit of a shrug, as though it's actually not all too complicated. "He ate less so you could have more."

Larry's throat closes up on him. He gives the boy a half-smile, before gently ruffling his hair and setting him back down. He feels Laurent do the same with the other boy and then they are back to playing with each other, laughing and giggling and rough-housing like they have no care in the world as long as they are together.

The mother watches her twins with a forlorn expression on her face and lets out a heavy sigh.

"The kindergarten teacher has mentioned putting them in separate groups," she says, gnawing on the skin around her thumbnail. "She says they're too close."

"Have you asked them what they want?" Laurent suggests.

The mom huffs out a breath. 

"Look at them," she says with a nod in their direction. One of them had just caught the other and they had fallen to the floor, their shrieks and laughter filling the air of the studio. "I feel like a monster even just thinking about it."

"Then don't listen to what anyone else says," Laurent says. "They wanna be together, let them be together."

It's really as simple as that.


They don't usually do social media cooperations unless the campaign is connected to a bigger project, but the two teenage boys they are going to meet up with today seem to be genuine fans and Larry isn't going to pass up a chance to give them this experience.

They are identical twins, just like them, have turned their passion into work, just like them and it's endearing to watch how much support they get not only from one another but also from their parents. 

You And Me - A Collection of Les Twins One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now