Normal I

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Around the time they turned fourteen, their friends at school started giving them trouble.

In their family, everyone was so used to them being practically attached at the hips, that nobody ever felt the need to address it. But at school, they got side-eyed a lot for how close they were.

"You guys are weird," one of their classmates said during lunch break.

Larry had just traded half of his sandwich for Laurent's apple and they still swapped their food back and forth, not really caring that the other had already taken a bite.

"He's right," one of the other boys chimed in. "You're always touching and shit."

"What do you mean?" Larry asked. Laurent was leaning heavily against Larry's side while finishing the rest of Larry's sandwich. "We're twins."

"So?" another one said. "It's still fucked up. Even more so because you're twins."

"Yeah, it's like you're getting off on it or something."

That got an immediate reaction from both of them, with Larry blushing a deep red and Laurent nearly choking on his food. He started coughing while Larry bestowed the boys with a glare. "The fuck are you on about. He's my brother."

"Exactly. That's why you shouldn't be all over each other. It's gross."

Laurent opened his mouth in reply but Larry just put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

Their friends followed the gesture with their eyes, their grins widening and Larry felt his neck flush. He instantly released his hold on Laurent's shoulder and put the half-finished apple down, no longer hungry.

Laurent was the first one to regain his composure. "Maybe you're the ones who're fucked-up for thinking about shit like that."

Their friends just snickered.

It happened more often after that.

Whenever Laurent would rest his forehead against Larry's shoulder or hold his hand or something, someone would make a stupid comment. It was like now that the topic of their 'unnatural closeness' had been breached, their friends just couldn't stop poking at it with the proverbial stick, teasing them at every chance they got.

Larry knew that they were an easy target because they came from a poor family and a shady neighborhood. In fact, there were probably a million reasons for their classmates to make fun of them. Because they wore the hand-me-downs from their older siblings. Because they always did everything together. Because they were different. Recently, they had also been getting quite a bit of attention from the girls, which hadn't exactly spiked their popularity with the guys at school. In theory, all of these points would have been enough to drown out the haters and ignore their hurtful comments at school.

But even so, there was a small voice in the back of Larry's head saying that maybe their friends and classmates were right.That maybe he and Laurent did touch too much. That they were in fact a little bit too close.

He found himself thinking about where they'd be ten, fifteen years from now, and how eventually, they'd have to live apart from each other. With wives and children and jobs of their own. They couldn't always do everything together. They'd have to grow up and become more independent. Become their own persons outside of each other, outside of just 'the twins'. And maybe it was only natural to go through that transition during their teenage years, where friends and girls became more important... maybe it was time to become a bit more normal.

The weeks passed and Larry found himself becoming more and more aware of how close he and Laurent truly were. And he wasn't even talking about their minds, no, just the physical part of their relationship was already overwhelming if he really paid close attention to it.

You And Me - A Collection of Les Twins One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now